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Children's health

5-year old DD 3rd molar is popping up!

3 replies

MimieD · 30/07/2009 11:14

I just noticed that my 5 year old DD1 is growing a 3rd molar (wisdom tooth) in her lower jaw. Any one else has seen this in their child? Co-incidentally I'm seeing my dentist later today for a booked appointment so I will ask her but just curious...

OP posts:
Elibean · 30/07/2009 13:48

Good its not painful. dd's does bother sometimes, but not most of the time. She's only just 5.5, and one of them is almost totally out - and dentist seemed utterly unphased by her age, there's quite a range of 'normal' I think.

Plus, she has the very beginnings of wobbly teeth - apparently, I wouldn't have noticed and nor had she! Her bf lost her first tooth at 4

MimieD · 30/07/2009 11:21

ah yes, thanks elibean, just did some more research and it seems her current molars are pre-molars and the third one must be her first 'real' molar... Still early though as she just turned 5 last month and average age seems to be 6 to 7. Oh well, it doesn't bother her thankfully so unlike her 8 month old sister....

OP posts:
Elibean · 30/07/2009 11:19

dd is 5.5 and her adult molars are coming through - dentist said this was totally normal, the average age for it to happen is 6. It does look like a third molar, but isn't

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