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Children's health

What the hell has DD got?

21 replies

LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:07

DD (3) has a sore, slighty white tongue, wiffy breath, a temp of 38 and is very tearful with no appetite. Any ideas?

We're thinking throat infection, but could it be anything else?

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 20/07/2009 17:32

Urgh - I had scarlet fever a few years ago - was not nice.

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LilRedWG · 20/07/2009 17:32

Urgh - I had scarlet fever a few years ago - was not nice.

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Sycamoretreeisvile · 20/07/2009 16:59

If a rash comes up after a couple of days, just rule out scarlet fever.

I didn't, and it slightly bit me on the arse.

Poor DD - hope she's ok. Scarlet fever is same family as tonisilitus.

DD's friend got it now, although not from her as the cases were a couple of months apart.

maybebaby23 · 20/07/2009 16:58

Gosh this sounds just like my dd, she will not tell us when she feels poorly, and if we ask her and she does feel ill, she goes mad and shouts at us to stop asking questions!! Thats how we know! When she is well and we ask her, she just looks confused and says no!

I hope your dd is ok

LilRedWG · 20/07/2009 16:50

Thanks cocolepew. I almost wish she was like your DD. It is so hard to tell when she is poorly and she will not admit to pain/discomfort and gets quite upset if we ask about anything.

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cocolepew · 20/07/2009 16:44

Aw poor her, would you like to swap with my DD? She's a raving hypochrondriac.

Hope she's better soon.

LilRedWG · 20/07/2009 16:41

Just an update - DD's temperature flared again on Saturday evening and she was a little out of sorts yesterday but her temperature was fine.

After her bath this morning she went white and her temperature rocketed again so I took her see the nurse practitioner this afternoon.

Despite both a chest infection and throat infection and a course of ABs, DD is still denying that she's ill.

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LilRedWG · 18/07/2009 07:53

Woken up fine. Still feels a litle hot and her eyes look a little feverish, but she's eating and drinking again and happy and chatty, so we'll just keep an eye on her today.

Thanks all.

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LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 20:37

She now has chipmunk cheeks and a slightly swollen top lip. Off to the doctor's tomorrow I think.

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GrimmaTheNome · 17/07/2009 19:50

sounds like my DD with tonsillitis.

LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:48

Will do, thanks.

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sweetfall · 17/07/2009 19:15

respiratory illness very difficult to diagnose in small children. My DD had pneumonia and no respiratory symptoms at all beyond pyrexia.

It could be tonsilitis.

If she's still poorly tomorrow take her to doc

LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:13

Thank you all. xx

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LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:13

Got to log off now but will check back later.

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cocolepew · 17/07/2009 19:12

Poor thing, hope she's better soon.

Nappyzoneisabeetrootrunner · 17/07/2009 19:12

i would say tonsilitus but have no clue really - ds got w hite tongue with thrush.....

LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:11

She's in bed now with Calpol inside her, so I'm hoping that helps.

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:11

cocolepew - she is a funny little thing who doesn't tell us when she feels ill and denies it vehemently when she is. We only found out that she had an upper respiratory tract infection when we took her to the doctor with conjunctivitus - no obvious symptoms and was as happy as larry.

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LilRedWG · 17/07/2009 19:09

Ouch. Poor love. I'll buy some tomorrow and try and get it down her.

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cocolepew · 17/07/2009 19:08

Tonsillitis? Any aches and pains?

sweetfall · 17/07/2009 19:08

sounds like thrush infection?

Try natural live yogurt

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