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Children's health

urgent advice much ibuprofen to a 2 yr old...

18 replies

shhhh · 22/05/2009 21:14

To give a background info ds has been ill last 1-2 weeks with chicken pocks and yesterday was physically sick and today with a sore throat...

Today dd started with chicken pocks.

I have been recording what/when/how much medicine I have given to both BUT stupidly I think I have lost track...

I have written down the last dose of Ibuprofen to ds was 4.30pm, he's just woke crying and in pain with his throat so I have started on another does (thinking last medicine was at 4.30pm and calpol..) BUT stopped after 3ml as had a bad feeling about the dose..

Im now worrying that I gave ibuprofen inbetween at 6.30pm. (I recall dd being up BUT she did go to bed at 4.45pm till about 6 so I may have done it before at 4.30 or I may have done it also at 6.30)
Oh god I feel so fecking stupid and bad.

So basically what do I do..? I think some/all medicines are dosed so that you need ALOT to overdose..but how much..?

I may have given ds either 13ml in 4.5 hrs or 8 ml in 4.5 hrs...

Recommended dose is 15 ml in 24 hrs...(4 hourly..)

Im currently awaiting NHS direct calling me back....

I think (hope...) I have given him right amount but how do I do if I haven't...?

OP posts:
Wallace · 23/05/2009 20:50

It was a bit scary, but I was pretty sure that he hadn't had as many as 10 but we had to play safe just in case.

He will not be doing that again!

shhhh · 22/05/2009 22:39

Gosh,you must have been in a huge panic wallace..??

Kids eh... Keep us on our toes....

OP posts:
shhhh · 22/05/2009 22:39

Gosh,you must have been in a huge panic wallace..??

Kids eh... Keep us on our toes....

OP posts:
Wallace · 22/05/2009 21:50

You're welcome

Ds ended up in A&E recently having eaten up to 10 400mg Ibuprofen tablets. He was fine (prob only had a couple anyway)

That's how I knew all the info!

shhhh · 22/05/2009 21:47

Hi, sorry I haven't ben back since posting BUT have been too'ing/fro'ing with NHS direct.

They have checked ds's weight (end of april 11 kg's) and said he's well within the limit of OD. Thankgoodness...

I have been sooo worried. I guess it just goes to show that even when recording it, its easy to make a mistake.
Thanks for the advice and help thought everyone. Mn is brill at times like this. xx

OP posts:
LesbianMummy1 · 22/05/2009 21:32

However Calpol is more serious in overdose than ibuprofen

LesbianMummy1 · 22/05/2009 21:31

Child 1?4 years 100 mg 3 times daily; max. 30 mg/kg daily in 3?4 divided doses

from BNF for children

LesbianMummy1 · 22/05/2009 21:29

how much does he weigh?

Wallace · 22/05/2009 21:27

ps An overdose of more than 400mg of Ibuprofen per kg of bodyweight is a "dangerous" overdose.
Wallace · 22/05/2009 21:24

So don't worry

I guarantee that evenb if you have given an extra dose NHS direct will tell you not to worry

TheProfiteroleThief · 22/05/2009 21:21

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Wallace · 22/05/2009 21:21

Each 5ml of Junior Ibuprofen contains 100mg per 5ml.

So that would be a lot of spoonfuls to go over a "safe" dose.

Wallace · 22/05/2009 21:20

How heavy is he?

A "safe" dose is up to 100mg per kg of body weight.

Olihan · 22/05/2009 21:19

DS1 once drank about a quarter of a bottle of Calpol and the NHS toxicology people checked his weight and said he could have drunk a whole bottle without coming to any harm.

I really wouldn't worry too much, a couple of extra ml aren't going to mean anything at all. If it was that easy to overdose on OTC medicines they wouldn't be allowed to sell them.

I found I had to have a written list for each dc when they had CP together last year - sympathies btw, it's not a fun week - because I just couldn't remember who'd had what and when.

JennyPenny22 · 22/05/2009 21:19

Don't feel bad, it can happen and you are doing the right things now.

Don't give any more of anything for as long as you can.

TBH you need to speak to somebody who knows more about it than people on here. Hopefully NHS direct will be in touch very soon.

LupusinaLlamasuit · 22/05/2009 21:18

We thought DS2 had found some and taken some (possibly a few adult dose tablets) ibuprofen once, took him to A&E.

We were told very definitively if he had had too many we would know about it: he would be being sick, had stomach pains etc.. So I suspect if no extra symptoms, you'll probably be OK but right to ring NHS direct anyway.

nickytwotimes · 22/05/2009 21:17

If you haven't gone over the 24 hr dosage, then nothing to worry about afaik.
Very tricky to keep track of it.
Hope your wee ones are better soon.

TheProfiteroleThief · 22/05/2009 21:15

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