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Children's health

Help please! DS1 covered in pockmarks from chickenpox

7 replies

FionaWL · 09/05/2009 10:55

DS1 who is nearly 4yrs old had a severe case of chickenpox almost 4 weeks ago. His previously perfect little face is now covered with pitted scars along his brow line and nose. I have been having sleepless nights worrying they will not fade or heal, despite reassurances from his nursery teachers that they have seen worse cases that have all recovered save for a few marks.

Does anyone have experience of this?

OP posts:
FionaWL · 16/05/2009 12:48

Bump... Another week on and am looking for more reassurance. I know, I know - a bit pathetic but Am so upset seeing his poor little face covered like that. Anyone else with positive experiences of this?

OP posts:
FionaWL · 09/05/2009 11:24

Thank you everyone. I have been using Rosa Mosqueta oil which seems to help. Every morning I am surprised by how much better DS1 looks compared to the day before but then during the day I look too often and find myself getting despondent - that's when I try to think positively and remember all the reassurances I have been given. So thank you all again.

OP posts:
mollyroger · 09/05/2009 11:05

Fi - children's skin is magical in its ability to heal fast and beautifully. Both my ds's had terrible chickepox on their faces - all is well now.
Ds2 was scratched very badly on his cheek, last year which was livid red for months and months. Then one day I realised I hadn't noticed it. And now is has gone!
I suppose if it made you feel better to be doing something, you could look into that bio oil stuff which is supposed to be so good for stretchmarks etc...

lowrib · 09/05/2009 11:05

I wonder if Calendula is good for helping pox heal? Does anyone know?

(Calendula is meant to help with healing cuts. so I guess it might help stop scarring?)

This is the kind of thing I'm thinking of, but you'd need to check if it's suitable. Maybe ring Baldwins and ask.

InternationalFlight · 09/05/2009 11:03

People always seem to recommend Bio-oil on here. You can get it in Boots, it's about £7 I think.

sanae · 09/05/2009 11:03

my DD had bad chickenpox aged 2 - got lots of bad pox marks on her forehead. I was very worried but they have gradually faded - she is now 10- if you looked for them now knowing they were there I suppose you might see the odd one, but honestly they are not an issue even with her as a self conscious 10 year old. I can't remember how long they took to fade - but I don't rememeber worrying about them too long.

savoycabbage · 09/05/2009 11:01

Hi, my dd still has a few marks too so I will be interested in any advice you get. . I have noticed that the ones that are on the parts of her body that are exposed have faded much more quickly than those that are not. The one that has faded hardly at all in on her hip so is always covered. I tried to keep her naked a bit in the summer!

I hope he gets better soon.

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