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Children's health

ABs for kids!

5 replies

fifitot · 05/04/2009 20:25

DD has a horrible infected scalp (been posting on here about it). Now got ABs but given Fluclox... which is in a horrible bitter orange suspension. She won't take it and spits much of it. Basically forcing it in. Tastes foul so not suprised and too strong to hide in food.

Anyone know what the other generic AB is - is it amoxyxillin? And is it the one that is sort of like banana flavour and yellow? She may take that so will ask for a change if poss.

Anyone know?

OP posts:
fifitot · 06/04/2009 18:04

Got cefalaxin (sp?) instead. Tastes far better and DD has taken it!

OP posts:
Elibean · 06/04/2009 11:05

Thats reassuring, Cass - though still wonder why they gave dd fluclox but switched it without a murmur when we asked them to (to amoxy), if amoxy isn't as efficient. I can't think of a single child I know of who takes fluclox easily, so if there's a choice....

fifitot · 05/04/2009 21:08


OP posts:
cass66 · 05/04/2009 21:04

sorry, but antibiotics are generally chosen due to the type of bugs they work against. for your info, amoxicillin is as cheap as chips, prob cheaper than fluclox, which is also cheap. generally the older the drug the cheaper, the new ones are expensive because the drug companies that produce them need to make some money back on them...

skin/scalp infections are generally more sensitive to fluclox than amoxicillin (ie, fluclox works better), but a better alternative would be erythromycin, which I think is yellow (banana flavour??).

Ask to speak to the GP. HTH, Cass.

Elibean · 05/04/2009 20:54

Yes, amoxycillin - tastes much nicer, dd loves it but won't touch Fluclox! It comes in banana, or orange, I think. We've just had the same scenario with her, she had infected fanjo, poor love, probably molluscum or some such viral blister which got infected

I don't know why they don't give Amoxy first time round, I'm guessing possibly more expensive, but in the long run - given that they have to re-prescribe half the time - probably not!

I just wrote a note for the GP explaining the situation, and picked up the new 'script an hour later. HTH.

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