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Children's health

Dd2 has had ear ache all night - what shall I do?

7 replies

LoveMyGirls · 08/02/2009 07:57

Dd2 (aged 3) has been up quite a few times in the night crying her ear hurts, we've given her medicine (nurofen and calpol)

Should I take her to newdoc today?

She's fine at the moment and last had some medicine at 4.30am but through the night she was waking every couple of hours at most crying in pain.

OP posts:
LoveMyGirls · 08/02/2009 08:39

I'm going to take her to new doc as soon as we're ready (just waiting for the bath) she has got a bit of a temp now so I'll give her some more calpol in a minute.

Thanks everyone.

OP posts:
belgo · 08/02/2009 08:22

let us know what they say.

Flightattendant12 · 08/02/2009 08:16

OH well done, if she hasn't got a temp you might be Ok to wait like Belgo says

LoveMyGirls · 08/02/2009 08:13

I'm waiting for them to call me back, dd2 is happy at the moment watching superwhy to take her mind off it.

OP posts:
LoveMyGirls · 08/02/2009 08:03

She doesn't have a temp.

On the phone now x

OP posts:
belgo · 08/02/2009 08:03

Does she have a high temperature?

If you can control her pain and temperature with calpol and nurofen (alternating every three hours), then I think she can probably wait until tomorrow for the GP.

Flightattendant12 · 08/02/2009 07:59

Yes, she might need a/b's. Hope you can see someone quick and not wait for ages x

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