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Children's health

25kg and going to High School

82 replies

KThnxBye · 09/04/2024 23:57

I’m a little concerned about how my DD is going to manage at High School. I’m looking at buying uniform ready for starting and everything is huge and baggy. I know they grow quickly in year 7 but she understandably wants clothes that fit. 30 inches is the smallest blazer size they do and she looks like she is wearing clown clothes. More concerningly we have tried on the smallest size of compulsory gym shorts they do and they fall straight down without her even moving. But they are also very short shorts in length because she is very slim but an average height (148cm) I could maybe take in the width but I’m not the best sewer, how do I fix the length? We have some sensory issues too about things that are baggy or don’t fit and I have no idea how to find the four pairs of shoes she needs either but that can wait til august!

Anyone else have a lower weight child and how did they manage in the crowded corridors? Or with the heavy bags? She will have a 2.3 mile walk to school and the same again home so I need to get her a good bag but even that seems problematic (all the ones that fit aren’t cool obvs)

OP posts:
TheBottomsOfMyTrousersAreRolled · 10/04/2024 00:05

Thats a lot of walking. Is there no bus?

is the blazer a random colour? As i cannot see how she cannot get one to fit as some schools have blazers in primary.

have you spoken to the uniform stockists and the school? Years ago i worked in a school uniform stockists and tbe boss specifically told parents of very small children at open evenings to being their child in early as uniform would need to be specially ordered.

deeprealisation · 10/04/2024 00:14

My DD was tiny Yr7 and her 30 inch blazer was massive but they all were. My fiend has a child with a growth issue and she just used a local tailor. Our PE kit isn't that specific tho.
Any backpack should do

deeprealisation · 10/04/2024 00:17

Most schools don't require them to lug heavy text books around now. Mine have 2-3 exercise books most days. 2 miles is quite a hike

CJ0374 · 10/04/2024 00:19

Is there no bus/public transport? Could you buy smaller sized generic things that fit, and those that don't, get them taken in?

NorthernMouse · 10/04/2024 00:20

I’d find someone locally who can adjust the uniform.

I had a very short child, possibly the shortest in the year, and the smallest uniform fit ok (a little big but most children start year 7 in too-big uniform). Obviously your issue is different in that she is thin not short.

How are her energy levels? (In terms of coping with the walk to and from school).

KThnxBye · 10/04/2024 00:24

The blazer is a specific type with a logo needing to be bought from a specific store. She’s not tiny, a regular height just so slim. She’s worried other people will take the piss

I’m not worried about the journey length, a 40 min walk is v.normal for High School and bus is pointless, for a start it would be £4.00 a day and the same journey time.

Just thinking about how it will work. They definitely have a lot of textbooks, pe kits, cooking, random woodwork, all the stuff!

OP posts:
deeprealisation · 10/04/2024 08:17

I'd say a tailor is your friend to maybe adjust the blazer. But tbh most yr7 have massive blazers. I'm suprised re text books unless a private school as all the state schools I know leave text books in school. (Cost issues etc) Homework tends to all be on line programmes. Also explore if they have lockers she can leave stuff in as ours does

Oscar5 · 17/04/2024 18:54

Will she have a locker in school? She could keep a trendier bag in there and transfer her stuff over to it when she gets to school.

Greybeardy · 17/04/2024 19:37

if the school insist on a strict uniform policy surely you need it to bounce it back to them - they'll need to bend the rules so she can wear something that fits (at least for the PE kit). I was in the opposite scenario (35 yrs ago), being far too fat for the school's strict uniform - there wasn't really much they could do about it - I had to wear something else because it would have been indecent otherwise! I'd be a bit worried about an already underweight child walking that far 5 days a week though - unless she's eating like a horse/there's a really good reason she's so slim.

SleepingStandingUp · 17/04/2024 19:41

You need a local tailor and to speak to school.

Pe shorts - are they meant to be short? Are they for under a skirt? Or to wear alone? If alone I'd buy a standard 11 year old size for the length and get the tailor to take it apart and remake them.

What's the issue with shoes?

DuchessNope · 17/04/2024 19:45

25kg and 148cm is seriously underweight, has she seen a doctor about it? I have a somewhat less underweight child myself and he’s under consultant care. Will she be able to eat enough extra calories to manage 5 miles a day walk without losing more weight?

NuffSaidSam · 17/04/2024 19:48

I don't think a 45 mins walk each way to school is very normal, is it?! That seems an awful lot when it's cold, dark and wet and you're lugging a heavy bag. I'd get her a bus pass. It might be the same time, but at least she'll be warm and dry!

Kalevala · 17/04/2024 19:53

If she's average height then a 30 inch blazer should be right, that's about an age 12, though I'm surprised they don't do a 28. Maybe contact the supplier to check if one can be ordered?

Other things will just need to be taken in as sizing down is unlikely to help, she'll need the length. If she can wear generic uniform then I'd buy extra long m&s trousers in a smaller size, just buy the size the same length as a regular 11-12.

GandalfTheWhite · 17/04/2024 19:55

A 2.3 mile walk??? That's a long way to walk before and after school. Not to mention the amount of calories it will burn, not good if she's already underweight

Kalevala · 17/04/2024 19:58

The NHS BMI calculator says she should be 31kg to hit the 3rd percentile. Has her weight been investigated?

XelaM · 17/04/2024 20:02

a 40 min walk is v.normal for High School and bus is pointless, for a start it would be £4.00 a day and the same journey time.

Err... what?! 😳A 40 mins walk to school each way is definitely very far from normal and surely the point of a bus is that it would be much more comfortable than such a miserable slog in the dark/rain/cold?! Do you walk 40 mins each way to work?!

itsgettingweird · 17/04/2024 20:02

Is approach them school. Ask them for support in finding a supplier who can provide the required uniform in her size.

I was the same starting secondary but a little shorter. I was in size 8-9 skirt!

It was much easier in the 90's when I started though because uniforms weren't as strict. I could get a shirt and v neck school jumper to fit me. It was also easier to get some school shoes that would fit.

It's the same issue for girls who are bigger built, tall or bustier. This one style uniform fits all approach just doesn't work.

Tulipvase · 17/04/2024 20:04

I’m normally pro walking as I walk about 1.5 miles each way to work and my youngest did it till he moved schools, Takes me about 20/25 mins. It’s definitely can be a bit miserable in the bad weather and I also purposefully avoid carrying much.

I do think 2.3 miles each way is a fair old way with a backpack etc.

Blaggingit123 · 17/04/2024 20:08

Doesn’t she have this problem with all of her clothes if she’s above average height but severely underweight (unless 25kg is a typo - that’s below the 1st centile). My dd (same age) is a a bit taller but almost 20kg heavier and is of slim build (but that of a young adult). I can’t imagine what she would look like with 20kg stripped off - but her clothes would be the same size (typically 12-13) unless you already buy specialist extra slim fit things? I’d be trying to get her to gain weight rather than adjusting her clothes.

Zola1 · 17/04/2024 20:27

XelaM · 17/04/2024 20:02

a 40 min walk is v.normal for High School and bus is pointless, for a start it would be £4.00 a day and the same journey time.

Err... what?! 😳A 40 mins walk to school each way is definitely very far from normal and surely the point of a bus is that it would be much more comfortable than such a miserable slog in the dark/rain/cold?! Do you walk 40 mins each way to work?!

Yes this, mine could walk in the same time the walk to bus stop and bus home takes but it would be just so mean for me to make her walk in the cold when she could be on a bus instead

SpamFritterSandwich · 17/04/2024 20:32

Is your dad being investigated for low weight? I agree that walk is too long.

soupfiend · 17/04/2024 20:34

Im a bit surprised at the commetns about journey distance, back in the 80s, that is how far I walked to school, and in those days you did carry huge books and we didnt have rucksacks in those days, it was some sort of crappy bag that came free with Just 17 or Mz Magazine or something crap like that. Slung over one shoulder.


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minipie · 17/04/2024 20:36

It’s a bit concerning that you think a 40 min walk there and back in all weathers is ok for a child who is already very underweight. It’s not usual, and it’s going to make the day very tiring for her.

As pp have said is she having medical investigations for the underweight? Is there a reason for it you are aware of?

Tulipvase · 17/04/2024 20:40

soupfiend · 17/04/2024 20:34

Im a bit surprised at the commetns about journey distance, back in the 80s, that is how far I walked to school, and in those days you did carry huge books and we didnt have rucksacks in those days, it was some sort of crappy bag that came free with Just 17 or Mz Magazine or something crap like that. Slung over one shoulder.

Uphill both ways too I expect 😅. I think you also have to factor in stopping times/crossing roads etc. The journey could be significantly longer if there are lots of roads to cross.

museumum · 17/04/2024 20:41

The blazer is what it is, wear a jumper underneath and it won’t be noticeable to those who don’t know her well. Nobody will laugh, they’ll just think she’s bigger than she is.
Shorts etc all need to go to an alterations shop. I do this for me for length. In fact I’m just about to get my new waterproof coat arms shortened. Look for a small independent. They’re worth their weight in gold and can probably take in shorts in a bigger size (whatever size is length appropriate).

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