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Children's health

Scratch like rash/ Petechia on toddlers back?

3 replies

CustardBun · 13/05/2022 09:14

Has anyone seen a scratch like rash, but is completely flat with just red spots on their toddler? It doesn’t blanch, however he has been seen by two doctors who weren’t entirely sure what it was but weren’t concerned. I thought maybe I was being over the top but then when they started to fade they would reappear elsewhere.

He’s fine in himself, aside from a little cold, and we have a blood test booked for 27/5, I’m just abit worried about where it is coming from. And of course Dr Google mentions leukaemia and blood disorders. He had covid at the beginning of April and so I’m unsure if it stems from that.

I’ve added a photo (the white blob is where I was about to start putting moisturiser on him) There is also no longer redness around the dots, this was just from taking his top off.

Scratch like rash/ Petechia on toddlers back?
OP posts:
Foreverbaffled · 13/05/2022 12:53

You’re welcome. Looking at the picture again it does look scratch related actually as it’s in lines as you say. Honestly it will probably disappear soon and might be something your child is just a bit prone too. Great you’re having bloods. The sad reality of blood cancers are that children get sick very quickly (over days) so you’d know by now if it was that. Hopefully you can stop worrying soon, it’s such a horrible place to be in.

CustardBun · 13/05/2022 11:33

Thanks so much for your response, very reassuring. He’s a very active 3 year old so im unsure if it’s from his soft play etc. he had covid about 7/8 weeks ago so was unsure if it was linked with this. A doctor I showed today has questioned if he is scratching it in his sleep due to linear. Nonetheless he has a blood test booked for the end of the month. Thank you again for your response! 😊

OP posts:
Foreverbaffled · 13/05/2022 10:11

DS2 gets petechia like this all the time, usually from things like car seat straps or rucksacks. He had blood work done and all fine. My husband is the same. Children with leukaemia present as very unwell so it would be very unlikely to be that. It’s just a form of bruising really so likely ‘trauma’ related in your case.

I understand the fear though, we ended up in A&E recently as DS2 also had a nose bleed and the two red flags together warranted urgent bloods. Was all fine x

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