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Children's health

Hungry Baby Milk

11 replies

pegleg92 · 20/02/2018 04:59

I'm was using normal formula milk on my 5 week old and was feeding every 2 /3 hours.
I put him on hungrier baby milk now and he goes 4 maybe 5 hours but seems to be really gassy (bum end!) it's only been about a week and was wondering if it's the fact I've changed his milk and he is getting used to it or if he just can't deal with it in his stomach.
He will fall asleep on me perfectly fine but as soon as I lie him on his back in his cot he will wake up and really sound a bit constipated. So he's getting his sleep but I'm not getting mine!

Is it's too heavy for him? Has anyone else had any issues with hungry baby milk?

OP posts:
Yellowshadeofgreen · 21/02/2018 19:24

Hungry baby formula is nothing like breast milk in its composition. It really should be banned. I tried it too on DD1 because I had really no clue but we went back because it was really unsettling.

nocoolnamesleft · 21/02/2018 19:20

Hungry baby formula is designed to be harder to digest. Honestly, I think it should be banned.

dementedpixie · 21/02/2018 07:44

They dont have fillers but are based on the casein milk protein (rather than whey) and it is harder to digest and can cause constipation. I wouldn't use it for a 5 week old when they were feeding normally in the first place. I'd go back to first milk

cornishmumtobe · 20/02/2018 07:09

In my antenatal classes the HV and midwives all said never to use hungry baby formulas because they are just full of no good fillers to sit in the baby's stomach for longer

Faze84 · 20/02/2018 06:51

That sounds normal to me. My 5 week old was the same. My dc is now 7 weeks old and ff and has 5 to 6 oz every 3 to 5 hours. Occasionally he wants feeding after 2 hours. Also 6 to 8 weeks is a major growing spurt so i would bother switching as their behaviour is normal.

Dc1 was switched to HM at 4 months and i weaned him onto it as it makes them constipated. It's a harder formula to digest.

I was horrified that a distant cousin of mine tried HM on their 1 wk old once.

I have no plans to put dc2 on it atm.

ButtMuncher · 20/02/2018 06:34

Hungry Baby milk is denser formula and can create constipation - it's designed to sit in the stomach for longer and therefore isn't as easily digested as normal formula.

A 5 week old would typically feed every 2-3 hours - this is definitely normal, in fact I think my 4/5 month old was still feeding every 3 hours!

If possible, I would return to the normal formula.

Happygolucky009 · 20/02/2018 06:27

Hungry baby milk is not recommended, see the overview document on infant formula in particular the hungry baby milk section
Not sure why you have changed milk as your baby was behaving normally but no longer is Sad

TanteRose · 20/02/2018 05:58

sorry, every 2 or 3 hours is perfectly normal (no question mark)

TanteRose · 20/02/2018 05:57

wow, every two or three hours is perfectly normal?
why did you switch?

Its his liquid as well as his food, you know.
Do you go 4 to 5 hours without a drink or a cup of tea or something??

Seriously, put him back on ordinary formula and feed him whenever he wants - which will be every couple of hours for several months yet.

User24689 · 20/02/2018 05:10

They can take a little while to adjust to a new formula and gassy/ green poo can happen during this transition. However, I agree with pp that 2-3 hours is normal at 5 weeks. I'm breastfeeding my 4 month old at the moment and he has never managed 3 hours between feeds, in fact we rarely go 2! At 5 weeks they are growing so quickly, they take a lot of feeding. Who advised the hungry baby formula, HV?

Spam88 · 20/02/2018 05:04

My understanding is that ideally you should always stick with first milk, and I read on another thread on here earlier that 5 weeks is far too young for hungry baby formula anyway. Feeding every 2-3 hours sounds perfectly normal, were you advised to switch to the hungry baby milk?

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