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Children's health

My Dd getting picked on because of the look of her tooth enamel

12 replies

CeeYouNextTues · 28/10/2017 11:15

Right so I’ve not started a thread before and hope I’m doing this right! My dd is 8 and as her adult teeth came through her Dentist told me the back teeth had grown with tooth enamel missing, she had to have a plastic coating put on these and fluoride treatment every 6 months, unfortunately now she and her friends are noticing her “patchy” teeth as she’s calling it and getting quite upset. I’m posting on here in the hope that somebody will know if there’s any type of treatment to improve the look of her teeth, either whilst she’s a child or in the future. I’m having that I really want to help her but can’t moment. I’ve told her it’s not noticeable and as she gets older it’ll improve, she was in tears! My eldest dd also had tooth problems, teeth missing and a peg tooth so we don’t seem to have much luck in tooth genetics! Anyone got any ideas? I’ve included a photo! TIA

My Dd getting picked on because of the look of her tooth enamel
OP posts:
CeeYouNextTues · 01/11/2017 17:45

I’d like to thank you all so much for the replies and information and reassurance. Yes I definitely should not have said they’ll improve as she gets older, I just meant I hoped really they would be less noticeable once all her teeth came through and she’s bound to have a fixed brace like myself and her sister did! I also told her that actually everyone was different and no ones perfect so she shouldn’t care what people say but unfortunately kids do care these days. I feel that I can ask the right questions when we are at the dentist for our check ups next month. I really just hoped that she would have the option to improve the look of her teeth when she’s approaching adulthood, and now I know from you all she can! It’s interesting to read about medical issues and medications etc maybe causing this. She was not born premature but I took steroid inhalers throughout pregnancy (my asthma became chronic whilst pregnant), my eldest daughter has diabetes and coeliacs disease both of which I’ve heard can cause tooth problems but she’s not got either of those conditions but I do think genetics are playing a part in all this.

OP posts:
kuniloofdooksa · 31/10/2017 07:43

She's not being picked on because of her teeth. She is being picked on because these are nasty, badly brought up children who have shallow pathetic rules for themselves and their acquaintances such that they are probably incapable of genuine friendship.

Real friends don't care what their friends' teeth are like. Bullies will bully on some other grounds if the first grounds they pick on get fixed. You can't make these particular people become real friends by fixing your daughter's teeth.

For the teeth just go with what the dentist tells you, but focus on finding opportunities for your dd to mix with nicer kids.

Oblomov17 · 31/10/2017 07:24

My ds2 has this. Dentists insists it’s because of my diabetes. But Ds1 doesn’t have it.
They did paint a Floride thing on, but said this only lasted a short a few weeks?

I had no idea I should be pushing for longer term treatments. Please message me aswell.

RiojaHaze · 31/10/2017 07:16

My DS has this - hypermineralisation. Her back teeth were so bad they had to be removed, and the dentist said no one has any idea what causes it.

She's 11 now and it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as it used to, but could I have the PM about treatment too please?

Spottyparrot99 · 31/10/2017 07:10

Oh- I had this!! Well, I guess I still do as my teeth are the same ones as I had as a 8 year old.
Mine were a lot more discoloured. I had the white patches but also caramel coloured patches too. Both from teeth. I don’t have a photo to show you i’m Afraid —but I could try to find a google image showing the kind of severity I mean.
I got a few nasty comments at secondary school ( but they always find something in everyone)
It bothered me at the time though and when I was 14 I had composite veneers on them. Worked well and still going strong 23 years later.
I honestly don’t think her teeth look to bad at all tbh- but it is, of course, how you daughter feels abut them that matters.

Ktown · 31/10/2017 07:03

I had a little bit of bonding applied to my teeth to cover this.
It was supposed to last a few months but is still there 10 years later!
It wasn’t expensive and it works beautifully.

2014newme · 31/10/2017 07:02

Also I know you're telling your dd it will get better as it gets older but I don't think that's true?

2014newme · 31/10/2017 07:01

My dd has this, strangely we were at the dentist discussing it yesterday. There is lots they can do to resolve it but its best to wait till all adult teeth are through. Dentist discussed the possible options with us yesterday, micro abrasion seems to be the preferred option currently although we have 3-4 years to wait as she us only 10.

My dd does not get picked on though.

Is your dd premature? That's what's caused my dds. I have twins the other one doesn't have this but she has other tooth issues.

spectacularvelvet · 31/10/2017 06:52

Most not my!

spectacularvelvet · 31/10/2017 06:51

Looks like hyper mineralisation. There are treatments, and the nhs does cover cosmetic help with the discolouration but my dentists don’t know anything about it. Send me a Pm and I can give you more details about the help my son got

Whyiseveryonesoangry · 31/10/2017 06:46

I was teased at school too for a similar thing. I was given an antibiotic as a small child which is no longer used as it caused adult teeth to grow with discolouration. So although 90% of each tooth is white, the top part where it meets the gums is discouloured. Quite obvious and I got a lot of bother at school about it. My parents just left me to cope with it. Eventually kids do move on and forget, but if your daughter is getting so upset, I would suggest going to your dentist. They will be able to put a coating on which lasts around 6 months. It will be classed as cosmetic though, so could be quite costly.

Osbornemrs · 31/10/2017 06:38

Hi hun sorry that your daughter is so upset. I have no experience of this but a google looks like you might be able to ask the dentist for some tooth coloured bonding which will hopefully cover the discoloured parts of her tooth. I would imagine though that as this is cosmetic that will only be offered privately. When she grows up they can put crowns on her teeth if its really bad. Go back to the dentist and ask for their advice. It doesnt look too bad to me, but appreciate that wont make her feel better! I imagine the important thing is to make sure she brushes twice a day to help protect them from decay but im sure you are doing that already. Xx

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