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Children's health

Likely Cancer diagnosis for my 4yr old DD, advice please for talking to older siblings

178 replies

Littlefiendsusan · 11/08/2017 20:00

After repeat returns to the GP and practice nurse about my DD's nosebleeds and snoring, and after repeat reassurance we are now facing a sinister outcome.

We weren't prepared to wait the 18 weeks referral given by GP to an ENT consultant so we went private.
The private Dr took one look in DD's mouth and said lymphoma.

The day after we were called to attend GOS that afternoon (yesterday) for consultation with Paed ENT consultant. Bloods and chest X-ray followed.

Last night we were called to come in for an MRI under GA which happened today and to be told she's having a biopsy on Monday.

So, an awful lot in a short amount of time and I'm terrified. do we involve other DD's 13 & 11?
Do we take them on this journey, giving them facts and information (selected obvs)

We're thinking of getting a hotel near the hospital for the nights (2) we'll be away for the biopsy.

Would this be too intense, upsetting or would them staying at home be worse?

Tia x

OP posts:
flapjackfairy · 14/08/2017 07:11

Sending you hugs of support and thinking of you all today xxx

PhilODox · 14/08/2017 07:11

Sending you strength today Flowers
MN is here, always.
I've always loved your username, as those were my favourite books as a small child. Your take on it has always made me smile.

Fiddlefaddle2303 · 14/08/2017 07:13

Bless you all. Hope ie goes ok today x

Aebj · 14/08/2017 07:17

Good luck today. Remember to eat and drink lots of water. You are important to.
I would tell your other children. Give them a book, so they can also write down questions. It's ok not to know the answers to there questions but you can ask on their behalf or get a nurse/ friend to answer them for you.
Like wise write everything. I wrote the same question 3 times once ! Medical staff are great and will just answer it for you 3 times!!! Don't worry about spelling or handwriting ( have you ever meet a doctor with good handwriting!!)
Take each day as it comes. In a few days you'll have a lull. Take this chance to recharge yourself. It's ok to go to the movies, walk in the park , read a book and have a glass of wine! You'll then feel stronger.
When ds2 was in hospital ( heart condition rather than cancer) we stayed in a Ronald MacDonald house with ds1. Is this an option?
Glad your mum can be with you. Also you have mumsnet!! You'll get lots of hugs from us lot!!!

MadisonAvenue · 14/08/2017 07:19

I'm thinking of you all.

ItsNachoCheese · 14/08/2017 07:20

Wishing your dd lots of luck today op Flowers

Flyingprettycretonnecurtains · 14/08/2017 07:23

Every best wish. Drink lots of water as you will be flooded with adrenaline and cortisol. Go for a very brisk walk if you feel really panicky as that will help disperse these hormones.

notapizzaeater · 14/08/2017 07:24

Good luck today - try and keep busy (hard) as the time will drag

kohl · 14/08/2017 07:41

Good luck today OP.X

Scoleah · 14/08/2017 07:51

Just read your Thread,
Hope everything goes well today
Sending Love Flowers

SparklyMagpie · 14/08/2017 07:54

Thinking of you all today Flowers

YellowLawn · 14/08/2017 08:11

wishing you all the best today. happy to handhold.
exactly two years ago dc had a biopsy.
the 'going under' is horrendous, the waiting afterwards is even more so.
I hope for you that it all goes smoothly and that you get answers and treatment and cure soon.

viques · 14/08/2017 08:26

Please don't beat yourself up about dark thoughts. That is the way some people deal with things, preparing themselves mentally for the worst possible scenarios , it is perfectly normal and doesn't mean you have given up all hope, it is just how you cope with bad news. Every one does this in different ways, your way is not negative or shameful,just the way your brain assimilates and deals with situations.

Secondly, ask the staff at GOS about talking to and involving your older children, they will have had a lot of experience in this and will be able to offer strategies and ideas to support you, your partner and your children. You will be likely be amazed at your older children, they usually rise to the occasion with maturity and strength beyond their years. I would inform their form tutors at school so that they are aware of the situation.

Thirdly, very best wishes for the coming days and weeks, your darling girl is in the best possible place, with experienced, brilliant ,supportive staff who will help your daughter, you , and your family ,at this awful time.

Much love V.

viques · 14/08/2017 08:32

Ps meant to say, if you have your older children with you then take them to Corams Fields , two minutes from GOS, for a good run around to get some fresh (london!) air into them and use up some energy, there is a lot of hanging around in hospitals. There are also some nice cafes near Queens Square, one in a church (can't remember the name but it is opposite the pub) and one at the Mary Ward Centre, which might not be open ATM because courses are not running.

Bemusedandpuzzled · 14/08/2017 08:33

Thinking of you, hoping things go as well as possible today. You are so brave, and such a loving mother Flowers I am wishing you the shortest wait possible for the results. It is a horrible time.

When I was about 9, my Dad had cancer. My parents dealt with it brilliantly. They told my sister and me what was going on in a basic factual way, but they absolutely insisted that everything was fine and that it would all be OK. They told teachers so we'd have support at school if we needed it. But the reassurance, to be honest, was enough at that stage. As far as possible, they kept us outside of the hospital, and well away from the physical 'realities' of the surgery and treatment, which helped to keep us in a bit of a bubble about it all, without ever denying it was happening. My parents didn't know whether the treatment was going to be successful at the time, but they chose to present it in the most optimistic light to us. Hope this helps.

viques · 14/08/2017 08:33

Other places to eat nearby, Brunswick Square has a number of chain type eateries, eg Giraffe,Carlucci, also a waitrose if you want snacks etc.

sandgrown · 14/08/2017 08:35

No experience just thinking of you and your family and wishing your daughter a speedy recovery Flowers

Oogle · 14/08/2017 08:43

Thinking of you all today x

debbs77 · 14/08/2017 08:56

Wishing you lots of luck for today.

And well done for following your gut instinct and going private xx

crashandburnt · 14/08/2017 12:11

I'm so sorry. I tried to be honest with my children after my ds's diagnosis. The clic nurses are amazing at helping with this. My children were younger than yours, but even my then 8 year old look horrified at the c word. For us the (ongoing) journey has not been as bad as I feared and I don't cry about it anymore. Wishing you and your children all the luck in the world x

twoseven · 14/08/2017 18:09

Thinking of you today and wishing you a good outcome.
From a mother who has been there.Flowers

GlitteryFluff · 14/08/2017 18:16

Thinking of you today.
Can't even begin to imagine how you're all feeling. Hope the biopsy goes well and results are good. Flowers


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Rockandrollwithit · 14/08/2017 18:18

So sorry to hear this Flowers

I knew a family where the 3 year old DS was diagnosed with leukaemia. The parents decided not to tell his older brother, who was 8. He overheard snippets of conversation and ended up googling cancer on the internet secretly, getting himself into a real state. I think honesty is best.

Isadora2007 · 14/08/2017 18:22

Hoping all went okay with the biopsy today. The staff at GOSH should have play therapists or other experiences counsellors who could help explain things to your older daughters.
Bear for your wee dd and Flowers for you

working925 · 14/08/2017 20:12

I've been thinking about you today. 💐

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