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Children's health

Skin yellow this morning ???

27 replies

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 10:38

My 2 year old suddenly this morning looks very yellow.

First I thought jaundice but she has none of the symptoms apart from a yellow tinge

She has said for last few days tummy hurt. But then goes off running around.

She is a terrible eater but omg this morning I can't keep up scrambled eggs slice of toast, two biscuits, 1 apple 1 pear and now having a cinnamon roll.

I don't know if I should be concerned

OP posts:
mrsRosaPimento · 27/07/2017 20:01

That's good news.

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 17:10

Just got back from dietician . After appointment a doctor had a quick look and said he think it's probably diet that has caused it.

He said if she develops other symptoms then bring back but as she is happy and also hungry he was unconcerned as these are normally the opposite of jaundice

OP posts:
mrsRosaPimento · 27/07/2017 15:24

That all sounds positive. I think it's worth mentioning. I hope it goes well at your appointment this afternoon.

3luckystars · 27/07/2017 14:34

I wouldn't take any chances and would get her seen today, no matter what.

gamerchick · 27/07/2017 14:17

If she's eating carrots every day then I'll put my money on it being the culperate.

IamDBCooper · 27/07/2017 14:14

My ds1 had a yellow tinge and we took him to gp who diagnosed too much red/orange food like carrots etc. We were also sent to a pead just to confirm which she did. I think it's worth a trip to the walk in though.

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 14:08

She is very underweight and has diet issues hence dietician and hence I say huge appetite especially today

OP posts:
Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 14:06

Mrsrosa - fine in herself and I mean running around like a loon, on trampoline and all smiles apart from once today saying tummy hurt - then two seconds later trying to hop

Eyes fine
Nails fine

Huge appetite which is strange

OP posts:
mrsRosaPimento · 27/07/2017 14:02

Poo and wee do change colour but I think the jaundice is really obvious when that happens. I had a rare reaction to medication and got jaundice. I wasConfused this colour all over. What colour is the skin under her nails? Whites of eyes go really yellow, before skin I think. Insist on an emergency appointment at the doctors. How is she in herself? I felt absolutely awful. Is she itchy?

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 13:58

The dietician appointment is at the hospital.

So I'm hoping if she thinks she looks yellowish she can get someone to look at her.

OP posts:
Baalam · 27/07/2017 13:58

That's shocking that they are not seeing her sooner.

And yet we are not allowed to criticise the NHS Hmm

IdoHaveAName · 27/07/2017 13:54

That's concerning especially since she has been complaining of tummy ache. Good luck at the GP.

Wolfiefan · 27/07/2017 13:50

Walk in. I wouldn't want to wait.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 27/07/2017 13:44

Has she been drinking a lot of Sunny D?

If you have a walk in centre I would go there and wait.

3luckystars · 27/07/2017 13:38

I would get her seen by a doctor immediately.

missyB1 · 27/07/2017 13:37

Where are you seeing the dietician? Any chance they will be able to get a Doctor to see her? She may need blood tests.

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 13:34

She has been eating carrots, broccoli and cauliflower a small bowl with dinner so once a day.

No new towels or clothes

I spoke to receptionist and she said that no appointments I said she was yellowish and she said other than a walk in centre then I'd have to wait till morning .

OP posts:
Shockers · 27/07/2017 12:44

Do you have new bedding or towels... anything which could've rubbed off on her?

Lukeandlorelai4Ever · 27/07/2017 12:33

Did you say to receptionist that she was yellow?

Daffodils07 · 27/07/2017 12:31

Does she eat a lot of fruit and veg? My youngest was like this due to foods it was called carotenemia.
Would still see gp just to rule out anything more worrying.

Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 11:25

No not at all

Stools are Dark and normal (always dark as dairy free)

Wee normal

Just a yellow tinge

OP posts:
MrsOverTheRoad · 27/07/2017 11:02

Are her eyes yellow?


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Foreverhopeful22 · 27/07/2017 10:47

Just phoned and no appointments until morning .

We are going to see dietician this afternoon maybe she will be able to have a look

OP posts:
Shockers · 27/07/2017 10:42

Absolutely! Phone your GP!

MrsOverTheRoad · 27/07/2017 10:41

Doctor immediately!

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