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Children's health

Boys penis foreskin development

3 replies

Soupygirl · 14/04/2017 23:30

My dh had an issue with his penis as a child. He could not pull back his foreskin and things became infected. He is worried our 10 year old ds could have inherited the same issue, but can't remember details. My sons penis seems like a regular tube, there doesn't seem to be anything that would fold back at the moment. I assume it is ok. Has anyone encountered this issue? I don't really want to cause ds any stress, but I don't know if we are being daft or not. Clearly I can't start searching for answers on the internet about this one. Any advice would be appreciated.

OP posts:
Soupygirl · 15/04/2017 22:00

Thankyou, that is just the information that we needed X

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 15/04/2017 10:40
dementedpixie · 15/04/2017 10:37

Has your dh/You ever asked him if he can pull anything back? Some don't retract until puberty

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