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Children's health

BF baby green poop and poor weight gain - what does this sound like?

27 replies

Kuverty · 13/03/2017 21:55

This is my second thread trying to establish what's the problem with my LO. GPs so far been useless and just tell me to do nothing. Btw we've seen there different ones so far - is that even normal? Would prefer for DS to see the same one every time rather than the receptionist assigning us with random ones.

I hope someone would be able to help.

DS initially had bad reflux like symptoms, crying all the time, spitting up, vomitting etc.
Reflux meds didn't help. Tried Colief and that brought relief in terms of his crying - he is like a different baby, content and much more peaceful!

Yet ever since giving Colief his weight gain became very poor. He has a good number of wet nappies and makes big green poops now.

His feeding is just horrendous - he latches on for about 5 minutes or less, then detaches, latches on again etc. Fusses and cries, arches his back. I put him to the other breast and he'd do the same thing again.

He drools and spits up quite a bit though much better since introducing Colief. He gets very burpy and gassy even though he seem to eat little.

Having done some research online this sounds to me like a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance with his gut struggling to digest tons of fore milk. Colief helps as it assists with lactose rich foremilk's digestion (my theory.)

For the life of me I can't get him to try a bit harder to access hind milk, and can't even express it for him as hates bottle. I don't know what to do. It's all been very frustrating and I start to seriously regret even staring to breastfeed. It was horribly hard to get the milk going with crippling pain each time he latched on, and now this. DS is 11 weeks old.

Any tips for getting him to drink hindmilk at all? Does my theory sound feasible - any alternative POVs? How do I fix this? Has anyone been through this and managed to cope?


OP posts:
SerialReJoiner · 14/03/2017 16:41

The NHS claims to support breastfeeding, but the reality is far, far different. I hope you can get it sorted. My local LLL leader was a godsend.

makemineadoubleplease · 14/03/2017 18:22

If you can't wipe it off it's prob not milk. Oral dakarin works much better than nystan but you will need GP to prescribe as it's not recommended under 4 months (in case you apply incorrectly and shove a massive lump of it in your babies mouth and cause them to choke... nanny state! Shock)

My boy had a bad tongue tie and thrush. I had to drive 40 mins to see a lactation consultant but worth it. TT was snipped.. thrush diagnosed and treatment recommended.

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