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Children's health

Help me identify these spots!!

2 replies

TotalPerspectiveVortex · 26/02/2017 15:47

Dsd has come out with these three spots, shortly after arriving at our this weekend. I've tried google but not really sure what they could be, in the place they are. She's had little spots on her legs/ankles that are healing now, a bit scabby, and I think they're likely to be flea bites, but I don't think theses are likely to be, are they?

I'd appreciate any input, I've been giving her children's Benadryl before bed to help stop the itching, but could do with getting to the bottom of what's causing it really.

Help me identify these spots!!
OP posts:
roseteapot101 · 26/02/2017 23:00

could either be flea bites or hives.Hives are were they are allergic to something and come out in red bumps

JonesyAndTheSalad · 26/02/2017 22:50

They look like mosquito bites! I know they can't be...but that makes me think that it's a creature of some kind.

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