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Children's health

8 yo DS losing weight for no apparent reason

14 replies

BrainSurgeon · 22/08/2016 17:48

I'm getting quite worried about DS. He grew by 4 cm in the last six months but lost half a kilo....
He has lost some of his apetite and been more anxious in the last few weeks - scared of the dark, scared of storms turning into hurricanes, that kind of thing... But I'm not sure that can justify his weight loss...
We have seen a pediatrician who expressed some concern and ordered lots of tests (blood, urine, poo, the lot)
Waiting for test results and worrying myself sick - anyone had similar experiences?

OP posts:
BrainSurgeon · 25/08/2016 21:42

Still waiting for results for cultures (wee & poo) and allergy tests.

thank you so much xx

OP posts:
BrainSurgeon · 25/08/2016 21:40

I have looked up the test results and chatted to a doctor friend. DS seems likely to have a mild form of anemia that causes red blood cells to be smaller and more numerous than usual.

OP posts:
BrainSurgeon · 25/08/2016 21:37

Hello, sorry I disappeared.
Pediatrician thinks the variations to normal are minor, and that he probably has a virus

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kittybiscuits · 23/08/2016 17:41

Thinking of you and your boy Brain Flowers

AMR123456 · 23/08/2016 17:00

Hope it's nothing too serious & he's better soon x

AMR123456 · 23/08/2016 16:59

Hope it's nothing too serious & he's better soon x

idontlikealdi · 23/08/2016 16:12

I'm sorry to hear that op - have you had any follow up yet?

BrainSurgeon · 22/08/2016 23:42

I'm desperate hoping to be told it's nothing to worry about

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BrainSurgeon · 22/08/2016 23:40

Just got the blood test results and quite a few are off charts. Completely freaked on the inside, waiting to see the pediatrician Shock

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BrainSurgeon · 22/08/2016 18:43

Thank you very much for the reassurance I need it

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MrsCampbellBlack · 22/08/2016 18:26

Am sure the Doctor will have checked that he isn't excessively thirsty or going to the loo loads as that along with tiredness and weight loss are symptoms of type on diabetes. But I am sure they have ruled that out.

Hopefully you'll get some answers soon.

Witchend · 22/08/2016 18:24

I don't think that's a massive worry. Dd1 had pneumonia when she was 8yo and when weighed for medications we found she was 2kg less than when she'd previously been weighed 2 years previously-and it took her about a year to get back up to that weight.
Although concern was raised-she was weighed approximately monthly, the conclusion was reached that she was perfectly normally developing and there were no extra issues. Over that time she did have times when her weight dropped again in a month, but again, it seemed to be just something that happened.

BrainSurgeon · 22/08/2016 18:23

He just looks so skinny at the moment, it's scary how some of his bones started poking through his skin Sad
It has never happened before, he always had a steady, proportional growth...

OP posts:
idontlikealdi · 22/08/2016 17:56

Growing 4cm is a lot and half a kilo isn't a huge amount to be honest. The anxiety sounds like a bigger issue. Hope his tests come back clear.

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