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Children's health

New teeth look much yellower than shiny pearly baby ones

4 replies

PuraVida · 24/06/2016 19:45

Is this usual? The big new ones are distinctly yellower

DH, although lovely in every way, has quite yellow teeth despite looking after them. Is it his shitty genes spoiling my previously A1 DS?

OP posts:
TinklyLittleLaugh · 26/06/2016 16:21

Yes it's normal, but it's a comparative thing: you won't notice once they're all through.

Maybenot321 · 26/06/2016 16:17

Permanent teeth are comparatively yellower than their "white" baby teeth counterparts. All normal, don't worry.

lucjam2105 · 24/06/2016 19:56

Yes it is usual, I asked the dentist about it because my DS's teeth are so yellow compared to his baby set.

LastGirlOnTheLeft · 24/06/2016 19:47

Yellow teeth are strong teeth.

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