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Children's health

Teen DS prescribed Pizotifen for migraine - I'm a bit concerned

31 replies

CiderwithBuda · 09/05/2016 16:46

DS is 14 and has been getting migraines on and off for a few years. Really thought he was growing out of them as he hadn't had one for months but he has had 4 since last Wednesday.

He is missing a lot of school and obv that is not ideal with GCSEs next year. In fact he has one GCSE next week.

So took him to GP earlier and she prescribed Pixotifen. Having now researched it I am a bit concerned about side effects. He is tall and currently skinny but doesn't eat particularly well so I know if he does have increased appetite he will eat more rubbish as much as I might want him to eat healthy stuff! I'm also concerned about tiredness and brain fog which can also be a side effect.

Not sure whether to let him start the Pixotifen or not.

OP posts:
ManonCrempog · 11/05/2016 09:16

I absolutely understand your worries- but it seems like the migraines could have more of an effect on the exams than the meds.
My trigger is usually lights. Some types of strip lighting always get me. There's one place where I've had to turn down jobs because 5 hours work there would mean I was out of it for days.
Hope your DS is okay Flowers

cowmop · 11/05/2016 09:26

Oh, that's rubbish. Once the digestive system is involved the meds just end up coming back up for me! TMI.

Manon, I'm like that with lights and also sunlight on water and that kind of thing. I know most of my triggers and can mainly avoid them, but still get migraine now despite medication and knowing all that. They are persistent buggers!

I hope he makes it too school later Cider and doesn't feel to wiped out.

CiderwithBuda · 11/05/2016 10:43

Manon - I get what you are saying but we now have a triptan which we didn't have before and a preventative that doesn't have the potential side effects of the Pizotifen se we are dealing with it in hopefully a way that will reduce (hopefully stop) the migraines without wiping him out completely. I was concerned about the Pizotifen and researched other options which we now have in place.

And if the current combo doesn't work we will try the Pizotifen.

OP posts:
ManonCrempog · 11/05/2016 15:39

Good luck Cider Flowersx

CiderwithBuda · 12/05/2016 09:00

Thanks Manon.

Well another day another migraine. Sad. He woke up with one around 4am apparently. Sleeping it off now.

He started the beta blockers last night so really hoping they help.

Im keeping his housemaster informed and have asked what will happen if he can't take GCSE on Monday. It's half GCSE in RS so probably not the end of the world if he can't do it.

He didn't go into school yesterday afternoon. Feels it's too awkward - said there would be comments from the other students. So he did some work at home.

OP posts:
CiderwithBuda · 18/05/2016 08:28


Unfortunately he is still getting migraines. Sad

Except for one on Sunday evening they all start around 5am so he seems to be sleeping through the aura stage. IF it's migraine. A friend suggested it might be tension headaches.

He did his GCSE on Monday in the medical centre at school with a migraine.

He has now been on the beta blockers for almost a week with no improvement.

Just wondering if anyone else who has experience of beta blockers can say how long they take to become effective?

Also if we were to switch to the Pizotifen I assume we need to stop the beta blockers first?

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