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Children's health


2 replies

busheymum · 02/02/2016 11:32

Hi, please can anyone let me know their experience of the LHRH test? My daughter (aged 8) has been seen by a consultant who has suggested she should have the test. I have concerns over hormones being injected into her and any potential side effects.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

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LatinForTelly · 03/02/2016 10:19

Hi, I'd report your other posts - or one of them - by clicking on 'report' at the top right of your post.

I've only heard of LHRH analogues to block puberty so I assume this is a test to assess if your daughter is undergoing puberty?

If you don't get many answers here, I would try the Child Growth Foundation who are very helpful. They have a Facebook page too.

busheymum · 02/02/2016 11:36

Sorry, have no idea how I managed to post this so many times! Any ideas on how to get the others deleted?

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