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Children's health

7 month old and Asthma

17 replies

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 12:51

Is there anyone here with knowledge of Asthma
my 7 month ds was first diagnosed with bronchiolitus when he was 8 weeks. hes had it on and off since then.
the gps on the last 2 visits have thrown in the asthma word and hes been prescribed 2 different inhalors to use daily. the thing is they dont seem to be helping at all, should i not be seeing an improvement in his wheezing ?

OP posts:
nocoolnamesleft · 01/05/2015 22:52

If your GP diagnoses asthma at that age, please change GPs (or demand to see a paediatrician). You just can't diagnose asthma that young. Sounds more like recurrent viral wheeze, which is incredibly common in babies who had bronchiolitis when they were really young. And they usually grow out of it.

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 22:42

he was seen only yesterday by the gp, im going to see how he geys on over the weekend and go from there. thanks all

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hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 01/05/2015 17:25

He needs to be seen again as things have got worse and not better. Poor little man and his mum, asthma is horrible.

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:55

He's not been officially diagnosed so im still hoping its not. He was admitted into hsp in November with breathing problems and was diagnosed with the Bronchiolitus. Hes had that on and off since, say once every 4-6 weeks. They kept saying he would grow out of it once 6 months. His wheezing has actually got worse in the last month, its loud, worse when he eats, its sounds like an old man who smoked all his life. he has a terrible cough which gets worse during the night.
They are not saying its defo Asthma. Its me freaking out, it just sounds so horrible.

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PannaDoll · 01/05/2015 13:44

I think you definitely need a second opinion and/or advice on how to administer the inhalers correctly.

What were the symptoms that led to an asthma diagnosis? Is it 'just' a rattly, phlegmy cough because that could be so many other things and an asthma diagnosis so young suggests a 'well it could be asthma' approach ifyswim?

Was he actually struggling to breath at any point?

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:26

sod it i will, even if its just to make sure im giving him the inhalors correctly. Thank you everyone.

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Sirzy · 01/05/2015 13:26

No reason they won't see him, with or without the diagnosis they should still treat as asthmatic. It may be that a preventer inhaler is needed to help.

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:24

Thankyou Hells,I will Smile

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buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:24

Actually thinking about it, hes not been officially diagnosed, as hes not 1. Do you think i can still ask to see the nurse ?

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hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 01/05/2015 13:14

Call the asthma nurses at Asthma UK, they are bloody brilliant at what they do 0800 121 62 44.

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:14

No hes not been xrayed. Thank you I will ask to see a nurse. Thanks for the adviceSmile its much appreciated

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Sirzy · 01/05/2015 13:08

Ask if you can see your practise asthma nurse. They tend to be better at asthma than GPs

Has he had a chest x Ray to rule out recurring/not clearing infection?

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:07

right ok. i have no knowledge of asthma and whats best. all i know os he's freaking me outSad

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buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:06

ventalin one we do 2 puffs twice a day and atrovent is 4 puffs 4 times a day.

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Sirzy · 01/05/2015 13:03

Neither of them are preventers, ventolin if adminstered correctly should improve things quickly but only works short term.

buzzybeess · 01/05/2015 13:01

atrovent and ventalin. we use the orange spacer. He's been using atrovent since november and we were only prescribed ventalin yesterday.

OP posts:
Sirzy · 01/05/2015 12:54

What inhalers are they? How long have you been using them and have you been shown how to do them properly?

sorry for all the questions, the steroid inhalers (normally brown) take around 6 weeks to be working at their best as they build up.

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