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Children's health

Loss of appetite, tonsillitis?

2 replies

ilovetosleep · 26/03/2015 12:39

DS is nearly 4, he had a high fever at the weekend but no sign of pain, he told us the only thing that hurt was around his neck (glands). We took him to GP on Monday who said he had huge tonsils and that she would be surprised if they didn't hurt, but likely viral and no need for anti biotics especially as I tend to err on the side of no antibiotics preferable. Anyway he has barely eaten since Monday. He is usually a huge eater. He never refuses food and asks for snacks all day long. He loves fruit, and he's even refusing that. Today he has eaten half a piece of toast and a drink of milk. Yesterday he ate a couple of green beans and a piece of chicken, and a bowl of cereal. He's drinking quite a bit but it's so unlike him not to eat. The weird thing is when he sits down at the table he instantly turns whingy, grumpy and acts all lethargic. 2 mins after getting down he is running around like nothing is wrong. He still says he feels fine but his tonsils still look big to me.

Is this normal behaviour after/during throat infection? Should I go back to GP (seems like a waste of time if viral). But it's so disconcerting to see him eat so little.

What do you all think? Thanks

OP posts:
ilovetosleep · 26/03/2015 13:12

Thanks, I know tonsillitis can be really painful. The weird thing is that he says nothing hurts, and is bouncing around like the Duracell bunny except for when he's confronted with food Confused

OP posts:
Birdiegirl · 26/03/2015 12:50

I used to get really bad tonsillitis as a kid and would go completely off food for a few days. Ice pops were great for soothing the throat and lots of hot drinks (ribena?) and maybe some light, smooth soups. Hope he's better soon, tonsillitis can be really sore so don't spare the paracetamol either!

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