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Children's health

worms in 5yr old

3 replies

Cadenza1818 · 16/12/2014 20:00

I know worms are common in kids but just seen on crawling on my ds bits and im freaking out! Do gone to chemist and planning a major clean / scrub down of room tomorrow. Any other helpful tips or general encouragement that this will go rapidly l! Ps only 1 out of 5 of us have symptoms

OP posts:
Cadenza1818 · 16/12/2014 21:28


OP posts:
bakingtins · 16/12/2014 20:05

Treat everyone and repeat in 2 weeks. Cut fingernails short and enforce frequent hand washing. Get him to wear pants in bed.
They are grim but an inevitable part of primary school. Our school does not notify parents if there are worms in the class, I assume some parents never treat their kids and it just goes round and round. School ought to deep clean, change sand etc but I doubt if they do.
We've (well DS but treated everyone) had them twice. Flowers

IAmAPaleontologist · 16/12/2014 20:04

Always treat the whole family regardless of symptoms. Always.

Change bedding and damp dust and change all towels. No towel sharing, consider having individual hand towels for a few days. You'll be fine, everyone gets them at some point or several times.

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