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Children's health

how any consecutive days can i really give Calpol for?

7 replies

Frontier · 30/07/2014 17:09

Pack say 3 days.

DS2 (11yo) wakes at night crying with growing pains. I know they're not supposed to exist but he is absolutely textbook, only at night and the right age ranges. dh remembers suffering badly too.

Calpol helps and he goes back to sleep. He's only having one dose per day but it's been a few days....

OP posts:
donkir · 01/08/2014 11:49

My son is 12 and had had growing pains for the last 2yrs. His are generally worse when he's sat around in his jimmys all day or if he's been overly active such as a 10 mile bike ride. We did refer him to doctors who sent him for x rays and it was put down to growing pains. Cramps tend to be muscles so I'd use nurofen instead of calpol. Definitely get docs advice on prolonged medication use though.

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 30/07/2014 19:28

Oops!! Sorry Pam!

That's what happens when you skim read.

ilovepowerhoop · 30/07/2014 19:24

its 3 days and then refer to a GP who may then say to continue taking it. Its not that its dangerous for more than 3 days but that you should get GP input as to whether to continue with it

Frontier · 30/07/2014 19:21

Lol Popple, Pam was correcting her typo

OP posts:
Pobblewhohasnotoes · 30/07/2014 18:55

A&E? In what way does it constitute an accident or an emergency? FFS!

If you're concerned OP then make a GP appointment but one dose a day is not a lot.

PamBagnallsGotACollage · 30/07/2014 17:12

A and e!

PamBagnallsGotACollage · 30/07/2014 17:11

I think it's three days. When my son was ill docs at a and we said to give calpol ad childrens nurofen staggered for three days

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