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Children's health

Is this some kind of bug? Or heat related?

4 replies

CocktailQueen · 22/07/2014 08:39

DS - age 7 - was at a football tournament on Saturday. After a few hours - not constant playing, but playing then waiting in sun - he came off pitch looking knackered, really hot, but dry skin, temp, sore head, felt sick. (Just as well I arrived at tournament as neither dh nor coach had noticed).

I thought - heat exhaustion, took his shirt off, put him in shade, gave him fluids, sponged him down. It didn't get better so I took him home, lay him on couch in cool room with fan on him. He slept for 3 hours and was very hard to wake. I didn't know whether to let him sleep or wake him. Anyway, finally woke him and he ate tea, then went to bed normal time and slept through, but still had temp despite calpol.

He now has a cold and is still on calpol but is still warm! even tho weather is not so hot. He's normally fine in the sun.

Was his reaction on Saturday because it was so hot, or because he was coming down with a cold, or just because it's the end of term and he's tired? Has anyone else had this with their dc?

OP posts:
CocktailQueen · 24/07/2014 11:38

Hi both
Thanks for your replies. Think it must have been a bug - ds is fine but this morning dd has a temperature, sore throat, feels shivery, sore head. Gah!!

OP posts:
donkir · 24/07/2014 08:35

Hope your little one has recovered now?

SmilingandWaving · 22/07/2014 08:53

DS came home from nursery last Thursday like this. He had a temperature over 38 & was exhausted, even after calpol, nap & fluids he still wasn't right & was actually sick in the evening. I kept him home Friday & he seemed to perk up a bit. Although Sunday he came out in a heat rash on his face & neck.

I imagine with your DS it's probably a combination of all three, heat, cold & tiredness. I would just let him chill out for a couple of days & keep him out of the sun as much as possible, plenty of rest & fluids.

It's worrying the effect too much sun can have on children. I'm actually pretty cross that DS was allowed to get into that state at nursery. I picked him up at 3pm & they'd been out in the hottest part of the day running around!

donkir · 22/07/2014 08:49

It sounds like he has had heat exhaustion which has turned in to heatstroke. I'd take him to the doctors and tell them everything that happened at the weekend to be on the safe side. Hopefully it's just a cold but I'd definitely double check.

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