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Children's health

How do I get ds to take his asthma seriously?

4 replies

MrsMot · 17/07/2014 22:27

At a bit of a loss about this.

Ds2 is 10. He has had bronchiolitis at 3 days, repeated episodes which led to viral-induced wheeze and an asthma diagnosis at 5. A few overnight stays as a toddler, otherwise at least 6 episodes a year needing oral steroids. Hospitalised last Autumn but actually he should have been in more, gp gave me a nebuliser which is now frowned on.

He's now 10. He has developed marked allergies to house dust and pollen. He's been under a very good respiratory paed since he was 9, we've seen someone v senior who's confirmed current pathway is best way to manage him.

The problem? Ds still can't get his head round it. He knows the meds he has to take and why - purple am and pm, nasal spray pm, anti-histamine am and pm plus another tablet pm.

Am I being unreasonable to expect him to take more control of his meds now? If I don't monitor him he just doesn't take them - I noticed tonight he was struggling and still had to prompt him to take his inhaler.

Does anyone have any experience of this and how on earth I get him to take some responsibility for it?

OP posts:
MrsMot · 19/07/2014 00:24

Thanks for your replies, I'll look at that link tomorrow cest.

OP posts:
Andro · 18/07/2014 14:44

All children are different and mature at different rates, he might just not be ready yet.


Have you talked to him about starting to take more responsibility? He seems to be on quite a regimen so start with one medication (his purple inhaler perhaps) and help him build it into his routine - get up, shower, teeth, dressed, inhaler, breakfast etc (or whatever works). When he's got used to that do the same with the pm dose, rinse and repeat for his other meds.

Alternatively, perhaps a watch with multi alarm function or a phone where alarms can be set with reminders would start teaching him to take his meds on time?

I don't think you can devolve all responsibility yet, but strategies are important.

whattheseithakasmean · 18/07/2014 10:51

I sympathise. My DD is 11 and although she is not as bad as your son, she must take her brown every day & have her blue to hand. We have had scary hospital admissions, but she has long periods of being fine and forgets to bother.....

It is difficult, I feel I nag on at her, when it is really her look out. But 10 is young and a scary illness is a lot to deal with. I think 10 is too young to 'take control' entirely.

I wish I had answers for you - I shall read responses with interest.

cestlavielife · 18/07/2014 10:45

have a listen to this

wont give answers but will help you understand...

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