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Children's health

Sweaty baby DS

12 replies

Haahoooo · 11/07/2014 22:43

Hi all

My baby DS (DC2, 12 weeks old) sweats a lot. Could this be a cause for concern? I know it has been hot but he's sweaty even when it is cooler. When he is feeding (bf) beads of sweat form on his forehead.

In case relevant, he is gaining weight rapidly (gone from around 75th percentile at birth to above 98th now), is a very calm and sleepy baby generally, and a little behind in terms of head control etc.

So chances are he's just a very content, well-fed baby who happens to sweat, but just thought I'd check.

Thank you Thanks

OP posts:
Haahoooo · 14/07/2014 08:24

Thank you, that is all generally very reassuring. Perhaps it is a (big) boy baby thing. Not so worried about when it will stop or even the associated laundry, as long as he is generally well Smile

OP posts:
AliMonkey · 13/07/2014 22:02

Not sure if this will be reassuring or not! DS has always been sweaty, but he is now 7 and it has gradually got better so that whilst he does still get sweaty more quickly than eg DD it is now normally only in more "normal" situations eg hot day or been running round a lot. Probably started getting noticeably better about 18 months ago so won't necessarily improve quickly. But no obvious issues from it re health just lots of washing for me!

s88 · 13/07/2014 21:46

My ds is 5 months and 97th centile. He feels like a slippery fish most of the time ! Grin his feet are the worst , they're so clammy, he has a sweaty head just from having his bottle

grumpalumpgrumped · 13/07/2014 21:43

DS (1) was just the same, I spoke to GP about it, he was unconcerned.
He is now 6 and healthy and well

LouisaJF · 13/07/2014 21:39

My 15 week old DS is also a chunk and very sweaty, his hands and feet are often clammy. If we're at home and it's warm I strip him to his nappy and just put a light blanket over him at nap time.

Showy · 13/07/2014 21:38

DS is a sweaty boy. He is especially sweaty when teething. Apparently DH was the same as a boy.

Haahoooo · 13/07/2014 21:34

Yes, he tends to be in just nappy and thin romper suit, but then sometimes he seems a bit 'clammy'. It's hard to get it right.. Confused

OP posts:
noblegiraffe · 13/07/2014 14:10

If he's sweaty I would dress him in as little as possible, maybe even just a nappy - unless he then seems cold.

Haahoooo · 13/07/2014 13:54

Thank you pobble.

Kind of glad to hear poor glistening little DS isn't the only one Smile

OP posts:
Pobblewhohasnotoes · 12/07/2014 17:44

My two year old is really sweaty. It doesn't seem to bother him. It can just be a maturity thing, they learn to control it as they grow older.

Haahoooo · 11/07/2014 22:58

Ah thank you, yes probably just one of those things.

I should have added I asked the HV earlier in the week and she wasn't particularly concerned.

Difficult to know how to dress him as he always seems too hot...

OP posts:
Flisspaps · 11/07/2014 22:45

DS is now 2, and has always been really sweaty Grin

He still is now, which makes his hair curl into beautiful ringlets, but is grim to touch.

He was a big baby too, but I think it's just one of those things.

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