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Children's health

Does this sound like whooping cough?

7 replies

StepfauxWife · 17/03/2014 20:24

DD is 8 months and has had a cough and cold for a couple of weeks now. I took her to the doctor who said her throat and chest were fine and I should give her lots of fluid, rest etc.

This evening, she has occasionally made a whooping sound when she coughs. The cough is worse when she is asleep and the whopping isn't every time she coughs. I've listened to some audio files online and it does sound like whooping cough.

I'm just wondering whether to take her to a&e or wait and see a GP first thing?

Thanks from a very worried mum.

OP posts:
marmitemonkey · 21/03/2014 22:00

I had the jab when pregnant and my ds got whooping cough at 8wks so it is possible. Luckily for us a mild case (but still very scary) and the cough can last for quite a long time and it still reappears when he has a very heavy cold.

StepfauxWife · 20/03/2014 21:12

Hi thanks for your message. She's a lot better, still coughing but not quite as severely as before.

The doctor has put her on antibiotics pre-emptively and has sent off a swab for testing too. DH and I are on antibiotics too and DD is staying away from other babies for a week.

OP posts:
Boris13 · 20/03/2014 20:04

How is she?

StepfauxWife · 17/03/2014 21:09

Thank you. I think I'll wait until the morning. I was vaccinated when I was pregnant and DD's vaccinations are up to date. I would have thought that was adequate protection. Really hope it's not whooping cough.

OP posts:
noblegiraffe · 17/03/2014 20:31

Nhs says immediate medical attention if seriously unwell, GP for antibiotics if not.

You can phone 111 to double check though.

StepfauxWife · 17/03/2014 20:30

Not really. She is fast asleep during a coughing fit, which lasts for ten seconds or so. The whooping is only every so often so I'm not sure what it is. It's so horrible to hear! Confused

OP posts:
Boris13 · 17/03/2014 20:27

Does she seem to be struggling at all?

Maybe ring 111 and get a clinic appointment tonight, so you don't have to stand wait in a&e

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