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Children's health

Why is dd covered in spots?

30 replies

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 18:09

She's had chicken pox, and so has her sister.

She's perfectly well in herself.

However, for about the last four weeks, she's had itchy spots all over her. I'd say there might be about twenty or thirty spots but they are all over, from her feet, some on her legs, her chest and back and up to her arms. They are quite spread out. They are not blisters, they don't ooze anything, they are just itchy. They look to me like bites but dh and the doctor say no. No one else has them.

The doctor was a bit stumped but thought it might be a kind of eczema and has given us some moisturising cream and hydrocortisone to put on the spots. I've been googling childhood eczema though and it looks nothing like it. She hasn't got red rough weepy patches and nothing in any creases. And she's five which seems a bit late for eczema.

I am at a bit of a loss. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Obviously she's been at school all this time. I just hope no one else suddenly develops spots.

Why is dd covered in spots?
OP posts:
Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 18/03/2014 21:57

Not really, they just look like spots that she's scratched and made bleed. There's no other discolouration, or rash, or anything.

It's all a bit of an anti-climax, I know, she's absolutely fine! It's just wierd.

OP posts:
RoganJosh · 18/03/2014 20:48

Are they shimmery on the surface at all? If so then I'd second the suggestion of pityriasis rosea.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 18/03/2014 20:45

Don't think so. I think that cluster on the left is just two spots together, and it's clearing up now.

The moisturiser and the steroid cream don't appear to have had much effect yet.

OP posts:
NigellasDealer · 17/03/2014 23:25

the bottom left spot looks like a scabies burrow tbh, (i had scabies two years ago so became an 'expert').
Are they more itchy at night?

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 17/03/2014 23:22

Not really, no, they're quite random.

OP posts:
NigellasDealer · 17/03/2014 22:53

see that spot on the left? from here it looks like a little 'line' is that the case?
do the spots go in rows anywhere? like 1....2.......3?

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 17/03/2014 22:51

Yes I know. I just remember her being a bit poorly when she had it the first time. And that the spots blistered and scabbed over. Also she's had them for weeks whereas CP I think would have cleared up by now.

OP posts:
BikeRunSki · 17/03/2014 12:35

You know you can get CP more than once?

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 17/03/2014 12:31

It's leaning towards bites isn't it?

The doctor have me moisturiser and hydrocortisone cream to apply twice a day. It's time consuming and smelly and if it's just bites it's probably a complete waste of time.

OP posts:
LiegeAndLief · 17/03/2014 07:16

I didn't start getting eczema until I was 9 or 10. Didn't look like that though!

lougle · 17/03/2014 07:09

Fleas aren't fussy. They'll bite anywhere they can get to. The reason they appear to bite around the ankle is that most people are bitten when they walk through long grass and their ankle is the only bit that's exposed.

differentnameforthis · 17/03/2014 07:04

Dh says fleas bite in clusters round your ankles. No they don't! When I was a kid we moved house & I was covered in cat flee bites all over my body

HicDraconis · 17/03/2014 04:35

Molluscum contagiosum? Viral infection, spots can last up to 18 months. No need to worry re swimming / bath towels / etc, most children will have it at some point.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 23:13

I am after looking at that link.

Am going to be doing a lot of washing and hoovering tomorrow.

OP posts:
NearTheWindymill · 16/03/2014 22:28

Any one else on this thread suddenly very itchy.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 22:21

Oh don't worry it wasn't that bad. Just a bit skin-crawling!

OP posts:
Littlefish · 16/03/2014 22:16

Oh no, I haven't! I'll go and look now. Sorry if I've linked to something awful.

NearTheWindymill · 16/03/2014 22:10

I think you should call your local council and get pest control to come and investigate.

tibni · 16/03/2014 22:04

My ds was sent home from school with spots that they suspected were measles. They turned out to be pityriasis rosea. His spots looked similar to your picture but they didn't itch. Dr didn't diagnoses straight away so we kept him off school and gave him piraton and covering him in eurax cream. It was via google that I worked out eventually what he had, the herald patch was clear and the dr then confirmed it. Hope you soon have your answer.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 22:00

Christ on a bike Littlefish have you looked down the rest of that page? Shock Grin

I reckon it must be either fleas or bed bugs but it doesn't look quite like the pictures. The bites on the pictures are bigger and more raised than dd's spots.

OP posts:
Littlefish · 16/03/2014 21:53

I had flea bites once which weren't all on my ankles. I had them on my arms, chest and legs.

Do they look like this?

Blu · 16/03/2014 21:46

Are you sure they aren't bed bugs?

look at this photo

Have a look in her bed with a torch once she has been in it for a couple of hours, and have a good look all round the creases of the mattress for little black spots. Mattress covers would be no deterrent to bed bugs.


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Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 21:39

Just googled scabies. Bloody hell. Not that. Don't think the bed bug bites look like it either.

It's a mystery.

OP posts:
Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 16/03/2014 21:29

Dh says fleas bite in clusters round your ankles. And we've washed all their bedding regularly and they have those plastic mattress protectors. Don't know anything about scabies. Wouldn't the doctor have recognised it?

It doesn't seem to be making them ill but it's very annoying.

OP posts:
JustAfloat · 16/03/2014 21:05

Bed bugs?

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