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Children's health

Should I be worried about my child's persistent tonsillitis?

4 replies

Fiona2011231 · 11/03/2014 09:29

I have a four-year-old child, who was diagnosed as having the tonsillitis problem about 5 weeks ago. Within this period, the GP twice gave him the antibiotics. Yes, twice.

However, even now it still does not go away and I'm very worried.

Do you have any experience about this issue?

Thank you

OP posts:
Pinklemon · 11/03/2014 10:19

Make sure your child complete the full course of antibiotics otherwise the tonsillitis will return.

Pinklemon · 11/03/2014 10:17

I give my dd a teaspoon of manuka honey umf 15 once daily.

Fiona2011231 · 11/03/2014 10:02

Thank you so much. Could you suggest which kind of manuka honey is suitable? I saw that there are many rating like 10+, 5+, etc.

OP posts:
Pinklemon · 11/03/2014 09:58

Did the doctor take a swab to confirm? Try manuka honey, it contains natural antibiotic.

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