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Children's health

18 month old suddenly having trouble walking

10 replies

yummum19 · 08/03/2014 12:44

Starting from this morning she has been really unsteady on her feet. She keeps falling over and cannot get herself back up. Once I pick her up she won't put all her weight on her feet.

She hasn't had any bad falls or knocked her feet or anything and she doesn't appear to be in any pain. I've always noticed she walks on the inside of her feet, however up until today she's been a very confident walker and now I'm worried.

For a bit of background she has VACTERL syndrome and does have a sacral dimple. We're awaiting a MRI of her spine so I'm worried this might be a sign something is wrong? Could this just happen out of the blue or am I just over reacting?

OP posts:
yummum19 · 20/03/2014 14:24

humblebumble sorry I forgot to check back! She is fine now thank you! She was okay after a few hours but still saw the GP. He said sounds like she was just getting over her virus.

OP posts:
humblebumble · 10/03/2014 16:27

yumum I was wondering how is your DD?

FruitBasedDrinkForALady · 08/03/2014 14:46

DS had Transient synovitis last month when he was 18 months too. Just like your little one, he suddenly stopped putting weight on one leg in particular and was very wobbly, but fine after calpol or nurofen. He had a bit of a temp and generally miserable with a cold. He'd had a virus over Christmas which seems to have triggered it. He needed blood tests to make sure it was inflammation in his hip rather than an infection so we had to go to a&e, but I'd make your first call to the gp.

Winterbluessummersoonish · 08/03/2014 14:39

I would take her to be seen - if you can video on your phone how she is walking.

My DS started limping last year suddenly, it was just viral but the GP said we take limping/non weight bearing serious.

If you have got a children's a and e, I would take her down.

yummum19 · 08/03/2014 13:01

Thank you for all your replies!

She has had a mild cold recently so maybe that might be it. I guess I'm just overly cautious. She seems abit better now. She's walking again but she's dragging her right foot so still not putting any weight on it.

OP posts:
Indith · 08/03/2014 12:59

ear infection

Bloody auto correct.

Indith · 08/03/2014 12:59

Not something as simple as an East infection is it?

Can you get to an ooh or walk in centre?

CrewElla · 08/03/2014 12:56

My feedback is along the same lines as Humble; has your DC been ill at all recently? Their skills can regress during/after an illness. I suggest you speak to your GP to put your mind at ease.

humblebumble · 08/03/2014 12:52

I've remembered the name of what they suspected for my DS.

Transient synovitis

However, he didn't have it. I was particularly worried about DS as he has a few neurological issues and I was worried it was related. It all amounted to nothing.

I hope everything goes okay for you and your little girl.

humblebumble · 08/03/2014 12:49

Oh you poor thing. How scary.

The only way to really know if anything is wrong is to take her to the Dr.

I took my DS who was 2 at the time to the Dr because he suddenly stopped walking and was very wobbly on his feet. This went on for a few hours so I was worried.

I took him to the Dr and they said that it could be symptomatic of a virus. So it was good that I brought him in. He actually recovered very quickly and they didn't determine the cause. I felt slightly embarrassed but it was better than feeling wracked with guilt that I was missing something obvious.

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