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Children's health

What's normal after taking worm medicine?

26 replies

Indith · 30/11/2013 18:35

Dcs 1 & 2 crawling. Taken tablet. Seem ok a few days later. Obv still taking care and I'll prob dose again 2 weeks after tablet.

Dc3 is 20 months. He was wriggling, complaining about his bottom so it was assumed he had the too. Was prescribed the suspension and took it Thursday.

Thursday night was crap. So unsettled. Friday massive poo full of bodies. Night still seriously unsettled, up well over 10 times. 2 splatty nappies today, refused dinner, screaming at us, wriggly, tummy making odd noises, just wants to be latched on to boobs and not let go. Occasional farts and they stink to high heaven.

Please tell me this is normal and he will settle as worm are sent to their doom!

OP posts:
KateMoose · 02/12/2013 11:06

It could be unrelated and he's unlucky enough to have a tummy bug at the same time. It is the right time of year for it. also, if he's become a boob monster again, the increase in breastmilk may be loosening his stools. Perhaps you could compensate if he'll have banana or other stool firming food? Sounds horrid for you. Sympathies.

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