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Children's health

5mo teething - keeps vomiting up Calpol

3 replies

Reiltin · 14/11/2013 20:55

Baby's having trouble sleeping due to teething. I've been giving her chamomile powder, Calpol and neurofen at various points. Unfortunately, they keep making her vomit. Not every time but often. Not a little sick, her entire stomach contents, exorcist-style. She's ebf and not being weaned yet.
Has this happened to you at all? Any ideas what I can do? She really needs help sleeping (as do I!)

OP posts:
Reiltin · 14/11/2013 22:07

Glad it's not just her, though sad for ye too. Def not ill; telltale one hot, red cheek. Poor monkey.

OP posts:
Littlemissexpecting · 14/11/2013 21:52

I've just had similar with ds, same age. He finally fell asleep watching tv on my knee.
He has also had a temp today.
Are you sure it is teething? Eating ok and otherwise well?

BeaWheesht · 14/11/2013 21:47

Ds used to vomit calpol I think because it was too gloopy.

However , are you certain it's teething and she isn't ill?

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