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Children's health

Painful spot or boil??

3 replies

friendlymum67 · 19/07/2013 08:51

My poor DD has one right between her buttocks but quite low down. Very painful for her to sit or walk?? Any suggestions for how to relieve/treat it gratefully received.

I should add she is also a complete wuss, with a pain threshold of 0! Grin

OP posts:
friendlymum67 · 19/07/2013 15:05

Thanks for your advice. Have googled pilonidal cyst (scary!) but it isn't at the base of her spine/coccyx - more under her leg at the bottom of her cheek IFYSWIM?

OP posts:
WellThatsLife · 19/07/2013 13:29

agree that it could be a pilonidal cyst or abscess, needs to be checked by dr. If it is will need antibiotics and possibly a minor op as they can recur.

By the way if it is one of these she is not being a wuss, they are extremely painful(know this from personal experience!)

Gobbolinothewitchscat · 19/07/2013 08:54

Sounds like it could be a pilonidal cyst

I would go to the docs to get it checked - particularly if it's interfering with everyday life

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