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Children's health

Child's Medicine

5 replies

blueboots · 24/04/2013 08:18

Any tips out there for getting 4 year old to take tablets. Can't be taken in fruit juice and refusing yoghurt?

OP posts:
blueboots · 24/04/2013 11:25

Thanks for the tips. It only comes as a tablet. Am going to try these thank you.

OP posts:
Goldmandra · 24/04/2013 09:48

It's worth getting them to practice with very tiny sweets or something else that they are not scared of getting stuck in their mouth.

SweetTeaVodka · 24/04/2013 09:23

I'm a children's nurse - if a medication can't be dispensed as a syrup we usually crush and mix in a small amount of water. Usually tastes awful though and not recommended for enteric coated tablets (the shiny ones), but sometimes it's the only way (eg if child too young or needs to be given via a feeding tube).

Sirzy · 24/04/2013 09:00

Is it something that can be prescribed as a liquid instead?

If not put it in a spoonful of jam? (Not ideal but if it gets the medicine in!)

gordonpym · 24/04/2013 08:28

Cut a Gummy bear in 3 or 4 pieces and practice with that. It will then be very easy to swallow tablets.

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