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Children's health

10wk old not feeding

2 replies

lollipoppi · 03/04/2013 16:14

My DD is full of a cold, she had her last feed at 8pm last night (6oz) she normally sleeps though so it's not unusual for her not to wake for a feed, however she has only had around 4oz in total today

She is very bunged up and has been asleep for the last 3 hours,

Any advise!!??

OP posts:
lollipoppi · 03/04/2013 18:17

Hi sirzy!
Must catch up on the asthma thread!

I have just got back from the docs, he is happy that she does not have a temp but if she has not had a wet nappy by tomorrow then I've got to take her back, I managed to get 3oz in her before but she vomited it all back up within 10 mins Hmm so back to square 1 !
When I woke her to feed she was alert and smiley too x

OP posts:
Sirzy · 03/04/2013 17:08

Take her to A and E.

Has she had any wet nappies?

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