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Children's health

Arrgggg!! My kids are I'll AGAIN!!!

7 replies

MrsWhirling · 20/02/2013 09:30

My DD5 has been I'll with various virus', fever and one nasty chest infection none-stop since The start of November. I also have an 11wo DS who bless him had had about 4 colds and a virus also :(
I'm going crazy!!! We'VE hardly. been out the house in the last three months because one or the other or both are poorly and just when I think it's ok - they're ill again. Both had a virus with fever last week so both now have stuffy noses and coughs. Just wanted to vent really!

OP posts:
Rooneyisalwaysmoaning · 20/02/2013 11:46

same here op - non stop colds and coughs since december. I was wondering what I'm doing wrong.

MrsWhirling · 20/02/2013 11:29

Really? Aarrrgggg! Me & DH are rarely I'll but DD5 seems to catch everything and suffers with high temps a lot. :(

OP posts:
BeaWheesht · 20/02/2013 11:27

I feel your pain both of mine have been ill non stop for years

maybe a slight exaggeration

Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 20/02/2013 09:56

Whip up a butternut squash soup with chilli and ginger. Always helps my dds feel better the kick helps clear sinuses too.

MrsWhirling · 20/02/2013 09:40

Thank you. What's the tonic?

OP posts:
Sonnet · 20/02/2013 09:33

So sorry to hear that! Nothing helpful to say, sorry. I hope they will be better soon. Stuff them up with vitamins. I also recommend metatone tonic

MrsWhirling · 20/02/2013 09:30

Ill again - fecking auto correct on iPhone!

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