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Children's health

Headaches in 3yo DS

5 replies

stopthenoise · 18/02/2013 14:54

Ds has been complaining of headaches for the last 3 days. He's not ill otherwise and they seem to come randomly. He will start crying and saying his head hurts pointing to the right hand side of his head above his ear. He will then lay down or ask to go to bed, start to look unwell and cry until he falls asleep. He seems ok when we wakes up but an hour or so later the headache starts again. I have given him Calpol but not sure if it's making any difference as he falls asleep not long after. I can't get a doctors appoinment until tomorrow but thinking of taking him to the walk in centre tonight if he is still suffering.
Am I worrying about nothing?

OP posts:
BeaWheesht · 18/02/2013 16:01

Ds must've had 30ish ear infections - never once has he complained of a sore ear so that's be my best bet.

bamboobutton · 18/02/2013 15:23

Yes, little children can get migraines. My Ds has had them for over a year and he is almost 5yo.

Agree it is most likely to be an ear infection.

FancyPuffin · 18/02/2013 15:18

It really does sound like earache, I think migraine is unlikely.

It could be that he is pointing at his head as the pain is deep in his ear.

Hope he's feeling better soon.

stopthenoise · 18/02/2013 15:13

No, my doctors surgery is pretty rubbish. I have booked the appoinment for tomorrow just in case.
I did think ear infection and asked DS if it was his head or ear that hurt but he's insisting it's his head. OH thinks it's a migrane but can little ones suffer with migranes?? OH is not a doctor by the way, that's just his theory.

OP posts:
defineme · 18/02/2013 14:58

Ear infection?
My dc would do the ill/not ill thing -they still had ear infections and so on-even when they were leaping around the drs.
Does your dr not do same day for child emergency?

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