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Children's health

5yo DS has had a cough on and off for weeks and it's currently really bothering him

3 replies

SPBInDisguise · 17/02/2013 08:16

Should I be doing something? Just discovered I was wrong to be doing nothing about his chronic ear infection...should I be taking him to the docs about his cough? What, if anyhitng, would they do? Should he be off school if he's the same at the end of this week?

OP posts:
SPBInDisguise · 17/02/2013 08:32

Thanks. We'll be going back to the docs about his ear soon so might mention it then. Sorry your boys have suffered from it.

OP posts:
ThreeBeeOneGee · 17/02/2013 08:31

All three of my boys have had post-viral wheeze or the cough from it.

In DS1 it turned out to be a sign of mild asthma.
DS2 grew out of it.
DS3 still has it but less frequently.

I sent them into school as normal but they had an inhaler in school and the school had a plan as to when to use it.

ThreeBeeOneGee · 17/02/2013 08:27

It might be a post-viral wheeze type cough.
If so, then a salbutamol inhaler could help.
He can use a spacer with it.
So yes, it's probably worth taking him to the GP.

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