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Children's health

DS1 seems incredibly tired and we don't know why

26 replies

Loueytb3 · 03/02/2013 22:01

He has been really tired for the past 10-12 days. I put it down to him possibly coming down with something to begin with but he hasn't really been obviously ill. No temperature, a bit of a snotty nose for a couple of days but no cough. DH and I have both had stinking colds this week but don't feel particularly knackered.

School phoned me last week because he was complaining of being really tied within a hour of getting to school. He is going to bed at 7pm and seems to be sleeping through until 7am (8.15 this morning).

He has a possible cold sore on his mouth which I know is a sign of being run down.

It sort of sounds post viral but he hasn't really been obviously ill.

Do I need to take him to the drs? I have got the week from hell this week at work

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Loueytb3 · 07/02/2013 00:00

She thinks its a virus - his glands were up but she couldn't see anything else wrong with him. She's sent a urine sample off in case it's an infection. If he's no better next week we go back and she would send him for a blood test. I think he's perking up although I haven't seen him today (still at work Hmm)

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