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Children's health

Is this worth phoning NHS 24 for?

30 replies

stargirl1701 · 02/02/2013 12:26

DD (21 weeks) has silent reflux. It's gotten a lot worse this week. Saw GP on Wed and he upped the dose of Ranitidine. Phoned surgery on Fri in tears and GP suggested SMA Staydown formula.

She took 4oz at 8pm and 6oz at 11pm last night. At 3am, 7am and 11am she has refused to take more than 1oz - 3oz total in 12 hours. Her last nappy was dry. Her Fontanelle is sunken.

What do we do?

OP posts:
Seriouslysleepdeprived · 02/02/2013 21:55

DS has reflux, CMPI & soy issues & is under a gastroenterologist. He's been really helpful and referred us on when needed (allergist, nutritionist etc).

GP was useless tbh. Definitely be pushy, cry, video, do what ever you need to. Reflux babies are stressful & they don't take it seriously enough IMO.

Hope the rest of the weekend is ok Smile

stargirl1701 · 02/02/2013 23:48

She's taken 5oz and is sleeping on me. God, I love her so much it hurts!

OP posts:
stargirl1701 · 03/02/2013 10:26

She slept from 11pm till 5am. Thank goodness!

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 03/02/2013 14:07

Hope she gets back to her usual self very soon. It's frightening, this parenting lark, isn't it Smile

stargirl1701 · 03/02/2013 19:41

It really is AF. She has eaten a normal amount today. I hope the GP listens to DH and I tomorrow.

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