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Children's health

Don't believe in it but... good homeopath anyone???

43 replies

Azrael · 13/01/2013 13:03

I've search on mumsnet talk, on mumsnet local, I've read countless threads but can't seem to find recommendation for a good homeopath (in west London if possible, but I'll go anywhere really).

So there it is: anyone who's had luck with homeopathy in treating ECZEMA (of the stubborn kind: discoid eczema), please let me know...

DS is 10 months, been having discoid eczema for 5 months (it was initially misdiagnosed as fungal, sigh), and no matter what steroid we use (HC 1%, HC 2.5%, Eumovate ointment), no matter how slowly we wean him off, it comes back within days of stopping. Note that I've researched a lot and I've joined the Eczema Education Programme organised by St Thomas'.

He has also been diagnosed with a slight milk allergy, but he seems to grow out of it (he eats yoghurts now), and his eczema seems to be unrelated to it (I cut diary out of his diet for 4 weeks and nothing changed). We saw Prof Gideon Lack for his allergies, and Dr. Mayou for his skin.

We're having no luck with conventional medicine so thinking of trying anything else!

OP posts:
Ktay · 23/01/2013 05:21

Am also sceptical so no personal experience, but a couple of people I know through the local NCT rave about this woman - she has clinics in twickenham and Kingston as well as via Skype.

My pharmacist suggested making sure dd2 is getting enough omega 3 so I have just started giving her a vitamin supplement with flaxseed. Obviously oily fish a great source too. Haven't noticed a marked improvement yet but early days and at least she should turn into a genius Grin

makati · 24/01/2013 20:04

Lactose free usually makes a big difference. My friends son (14yo now) still goes dairy free every winter as it really helps stop him developing chesty colds. My DS went to a homeopath when he was about 18months old for eczema and it was really effective. Good luck !

gemutlich · 29/01/2013 12:53

I used to be Very sceptical about those little white pills but have been convinced many many times over. It still surprises me. I think its only as good a tool and the one who is using it. I have seen lots of terrible homeopaths. This one, Rix Pyke, 020 7771 0295, in Dulwich, literally saved my life earlier this year when I developed Rheumatic Fever....As I am allergic to several forms of antibiotics- from being overprescribed as a child, I had to try an alternative....she along with my chinese medicine guy saved me. She was recommended years ago by my osteopath, also amazing...and helped me through some very difficult hormonal stuff...and a lifelong chest lung weakness. I don't know what I'd do without her. I've recommended her to many of my own patients (I'm a nutritionist) for themselves and their children and they've all been grateful for the contact. I cannot recommend her more highly.

Azrael · 01/02/2013 20:40

Thanks everyone for the recommendations.

Ktay I've contacted the person you mentioned, we're seeing her on Monday.

OP posts:
Ktay · 02/02/2013 07:54

Good luck Azrael, would be interested to hear how you get on.

seeker · 02/02/2013 07:58

Homeopathy is excellent for treating non-specific and/or time-limited conditions.

Panzee · 02/02/2013 08:21

Absolutely seeker, like some childhood eczemas and the ones affected by the weather. :)

seeker · 02/02/2013 08:53

It's particularly good for time limited conditions you've had for a while and have tried lots of other treatments for...........

egolito · 04/02/2013 16:18

I am new! Azrael, my son has 5 severe food allergies and we have been admitted 5 times since August to Hospital for severe wheezing.(he is 24 months). Though not eczema, after trying lots of different course of actions I ended up combining clinical medicine (high doses of steroids given by his Respiratory Specialist)with homeopathy and (touch wood) it seems to work. My homoepath is back home (I consult him on Skype) but at the time of research was given a name: Dr Choy 02074362135 on Wimpole Street. Highly recommended to me. Also, Boniface Verney-Carron 02035442213 on Harley Street who is an ostheopath that specialises in babies, and he is lovely. You can google both of them.I too went to see Professor Lack prior to all the above so I think we have shared some experiences in that respect. I hope your DS is better....

Azrael · 01/03/2013 22:42

Ktay, lovinbeingmum: just wanted to report on the progress since I promised I'd keep the thread updated.

I went to see Shaun Estrada in her Twickenham clinic a few weeks ago. She recommended a remedy to help heal DS's BCG (he reacted badly to it). Didn't do much. Then she gave me another remedy for his skin: only one pill in the morning - that was 10 days ago. I really can't tell whether it's getting better or worse. I think that the skin is looking slightly better (now it's only dry, but not so red), but DS has started to scratch his arm (only one side?!) over the last week or so. It even bled once, but with intense moisturising I got it back on track.

So this is me! I'm semi-convinced (semi dubious) that homeopathy is doing anything. I have the feeling that the relentless moisturising (6 times a day) with Zeroderm ointment is the reason why it's going fine.

Lovinbeingmum: how is your treatment going with Kush Mark? I'm curious to have an update.

Egolito: thanks for sharing this very useful information! So glad homeopathy seems to work for you.

OP posts:
PATTIEB · 15/05/2014 07:02

I have first hand experience of Homeopathy and eczema and I can assure you that it works and it is not placebo! There is lots of research and numerous trials out there about Homeopathy. Start with the British Faculty of Homeopathy's website if at all interested in research and trials. And that's only a start.. It is very successful in the treatment of children and animals for many health problems both physical and emotional. So how is that placebo? How does that baby (or animal for that matter) know that they are being given a remedy?

You need a good Homeopath who manages the case properly. There are lots of good Homeopaths all over the UK. Just make sure that they trained at a recognised College. My daughter had awful eczema at around 6 months old and it was Homeopathy that cured her. It didn't just disappear on its own. And gradually disappear it did. A few pills of the right remedy (no creams nor ointments applied) and it went after about 1 month.

Her eczema appeared after a bad dose of nappy rash. It was so bad I took her to the GP who prescribed first an antifungal cream and then when that didn't work an antibacterial cream. All these creams did was to make it worse. Both the nappy rash and then eczema all over rapidly appeared.

Creams & ointments etc will not cure eczema long term. Try stopping the cream and see what happens. Does it come back? Of course it does because it isn't a cure. Many Homeopaths report that they see people in clinic with more serious conditions such as asthma, joint problems etc. On taking the case often (but not always of course) there is a history of eczema having been suppressed by ointments. Anyway, my daughter is now much older and the eczema has never returned. She is a very healthy and thriving young girl (in fact 12 now). She has never had an antibiotic in her life- all childhood health complaints have been dealt with by Homeopathy.

apermanentheadache · 16/05/2014 13:12

"I can assure you that it works and it is not placebo! There is lots of research and numerous trials out there about Homeopathy"

It's true, there is lots of research evidence. And all of it that is credible credible has found that it does. not. work. any better than placebo.

It's great your DD has never needed antibiotics but that is probably because she has never been ill with a serious bacterial illness.

PATTIEB · 16/05/2014 23:04

Sorry but that is not what the research says at all. If those sceptical analysed it properly they would see that from trials overall it does have a positive effect for many different health complaints. And yes my daughter has had a bacterial skin infection (other than the nappy rash which was also the same) and it worked wonders.

Anyway at the end of the day we should be allowed to choose which path to take with our health, without judgement and I know which one works for us.

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 17/05/2014 01:40

Homeopaths report that they see people in clinic with more serious conditions such as asthma, joint problems etc

Just in case anybody reads this and decides to take this advice, asthma and homeopathy do not mix well. Asthma kills. And on no account should anybody ever stop taking their prescribed asthma medication on the advice of a homeopath alone.

PATTIEB · 17/05/2014 02:35

Yes I agree with you on the dangers of asthma and there is certainly no suggestion that a person stops their medication above! I am sure that a good Homeopath wouldn't advise you to immediately just stop. They would suggest that you continue to consult with your GP. Unless you are better of course. Again I have first hand experience of Homeopathy working very well alongside medication although not for asthma..

I simply mentioned that there is good positive research out there on Homeopathy for anyone prepared to look and read properly and my family have had a very good experience with it and esp with skin problems. And yes suppressing with ointment is not a long term cure and may well lead to other problems further down the line.

apermanentheadache · 17/05/2014 10:44

There is an erroneous belief that sceptics are ignoring compelling evidence. I'm not. There is no good evidence it works and plenty of good evidence it doesn't. If you can offer links to good evidence it works better than placebo I would be completely willing to accept I am wrong.

It is not a good idea to stop preventive treatment for serious asthma even if you feel better. It can kill.

susiem5 · 04/02/2015 17:42

A bit late to comment on this thread but anyway. Reading the posts, I do believe that PattieB does refer to the research set out under the British Faculty of Homeopathy's website. So maybe the Homeopathy sceptics above should take the time to have a look at it before writing. I have just looked and there are positive trial results to make me think about things. Also, my understanding is that Homeopathy treats the person and not the disease so a normal trial as we know it is not exactly the best way of going about determining efficacy. The above keeps talking about stopping treatment of asthma but this not exactly what is suggested at all. My other half has a medical background and I will say that medicine doesn't really cure asthma, it simply controls symptoms. Like the eczema. You stop the medicine and the problem comes back.

I also have tried Homeopathy for my kids (a recurrent stye that docs wanted to operate on for one thing) and have been bold over by the results. So I am willing to have an open mind and have looked at the research.

NowABitShapeless · 04/02/2015 17:53

This thread is 2 years old. Hmm

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