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Children's health

Baby teeth not fallen out yet but new teeth have come through..

5 replies

Beamur · 27/11/2012 21:50

That's it really, DD mentioned tonight that she has a 2nd wobbly tooth, so I took a look and was surprised to see that both of her wobbly teeth (at the bottom) have the new teeth coming through behind them already.
Do the baby ones need extracting or will they fall out by themselves?
Should I be concerned...? I don't want DD to end up with wonky teeth because I didn't get this seen to.

OP posts:
Beamur · 28/11/2012 16:33

Thank you for your reassuring words. Smile
I shall fret no more.

OP posts:
fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 28/11/2012 09:21

Its normal, they will fall out eventually. .can take quite a while :)

BerthaTheBogBurglar · 28/11/2012 09:19

Ds1's teeth did this. It was quite nice not to have the gappy look! And the adult ones have moved forward into the gap.

Beamur · 27/11/2012 22:00

Thank you!

OP posts:
bonzo77 · 27/11/2012 21:58

Don't worry. Absolutely normal. Will almost certainly resolve itself. Baby teeth don't usually need extracting. Tongue usually pushes adult ones forward with time. If she were going to have wonky teeth it would have happened anyway.

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