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Children's health

Eye drops - 15mo old - HELP!

5 replies

RuByMaMa · 11/03/2011 07:54

How do I give my DD her eye drops? I realise it'll be traumatic however I do it, but if anyone has any tips to minimise the trauma would be greatly appreciated!!


OP posts:
sneezecakesmum · 11/03/2011 23:12

If shes a deep sleeper you may be able to slip one lot in when shes asleep!

RuByMaMa · 11/03/2011 21:37

our GP prescribed drops for DD's eye infection/possible conjunctivitis, every 2hours for first 48 hours, then 4 times a day and to continue for 4 days after symptoms appear to clear up. I have been cleaning her eyes with a boiled salt (very mild) water solution in the mornings too. Think it was particularly horrible for her this morning as it took 20 minutes to un-gum her eyes so she could open them. Have to say that I think the element of surprise seems to be the key, and find it easier when she's in her buggy. Thanks for the responses guys and Bubbley, if it doesn't work then I'll stock up on the camomile!!

OP posts:
bubbleymummy · 11/03/2011 20:26

she* not he! sorry!

bubbleymummy · 11/03/2011 20:26

What does he need the drops for? Our optometrist said not to bother with the antibiotic drops for conjunctivitis etc because they only usually shorten it by a day at most and can cause more stress than they're worth! Obviously if this is an ongoing thing that hasn't cleared up by itself in a week or so then it's a different story but our two boys have just come through conjunctivitis with nothing except cleaning the eyes with cooled boiled water/camomile tea.

DrSeuss · 11/03/2011 09:31

I used to put DS in his car seat. Whatever you do, it's bloody hard! Good luck!

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