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Children's health

Do I take her to docs?

11 replies

monkeyfacegrace · 30/12/2010 09:12

Bit of background, DD (4) has just recovered from 3 weeks of pnuemonia. In the past she has had numerous antibiotics for ear infections, chest infections, skin infections, UTI's....the list is endless.

Im at my wits end. I feed her well, keep her warm, she has multi vits, but Im failing big time as she keeps getting ill nd Im getting sick with stress over it.

Had the all clear from Pneu on xmas eve.

Yest morning she woke up with a temperature, and cried saying her wee wee hurt. I gave her ibuprofen, made her drink loads, and monitored her. She didnt complan at all after that, perked up, ate well, and was completely normal for the rest of the day.

So this morning repeat performance, cried when weeing, temprature, and generally unwell.

She is refusing to wee n a jug/sample pot so i can take it to be tested.

Im fed up, she is fed up. Can I hide under my duvet for the next week please Sad

So, what would you do?

OP posts:
CarGirl · 31/12/2010 08:27

Sounds horrendous, I really hope you get some answers in the new year.

purepurple · 31/12/2010 08:25

Phew,monkeyfacegrace. What a day! Hope she starts to pick up soon.

Sirzy · 30/12/2010 18:24

So pleased your getting answers, sounds like you have a fab hospital. Hope she is better soon x

monkeyfacegrace · 30/12/2010 18:11

Well, after my 11am drs, we have just been discharged from hospital after numerous xrays, blood tests, urine tests.

Pnemonia had got a little worse, urine infection was there.

She has been sent home with more (but different) antib's, and have to go back to have some tests done on her kidneys in 6 weeks.

Narrowly avoided IV antib's as white blood cell count was low in her blood, though high in her urine.

Have to say, GRH is outstanding with their peadiatric care.

Thanks all for your help x

OP posts:
Bobbiesmum · 30/12/2010 14:11

Oops posted too soon.
Wanted to say I understand your frustration, it's so draining isn't it? I hope she is ok. Also, I am sure you know but if she had had more than 1 uti she should have a renal ultrasound scan ( both my bloody sick kids have had one).

Bobbiesmum · 30/12/2010 14:09

That could be my son, only 1 and lost count of the number of antibiotics for pneumonias, utis, eye infections.
There as been talk of immune function tests but as he is growing well we aren't going there yet.
Has a crap diet though.......

PixieOnaLeaf · 30/12/2010 12:31

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Sirzy · 30/12/2010 10:23

Hope she gets on ok x

monkeyfacegrace · 30/12/2010 09:44

Argh, cant believe this. Why is my dd so sickly [weep]

Drs at 11am, wish me luck Sad

OP posts:
purepurple · 30/12/2010 09:37

Yes,untreated urine infections can lead to more serious complications.Hope she feels better soon.
Phone the docs now.

OhYouSnowySnowyKitten · 30/12/2010 09:27

I would take her back. Sorry. Best to nip it in the bud before you end up at the emergency out of ours doctor at midnight on new years eve. You aren't failing her at all. Somethings are out of our hands. What I might do if I were in your situation is to book a non-emergency appt in a couple of weeks time and just ask the gp to have a fresh look at why your dd is picking up so many bugs.

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