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Children's health

Help...mild panic...

2 replies

girlylala0807 · 18/12/2010 15:00

My Ds 21MO has just coughed so hard he was sick, brought up his milk.

He has had a cough for a few days now. I just took him out but had to abandon plans when he started to choke and was sick. Could it have been sudden change in temperature?

He seems ok now just not sure what to do...any ideas?

OP posts:
girlylala0807 · 18/12/2010 15:10


I see. Thank you. Was not sure if i needed to phone a doctor or not yet.

OP posts:
Bunbaker · 18/12/2010 15:02

It could be that he had some mucous stuck in his throat that he was trying to clear. It isn't uncommon for little children to cough so hard that it makes them sick. I hope he feels better soon.

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