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Children's health

free dental care for kids with a private dentist

4 replies

atah · 01/08/2010 20:39

Lots of people tell me they don't pay for their kids dental care even though they see a private dentist, my dentist charges to treat my kids and my previous dentist did too (at a different surgery).

Just wondered what the norm is and am I being ripped off?

OP posts:
atah · 01/08/2010 21:01

they do enjoy it don't they?
I can't bear to pay now that I know I don't need to, so my mission is to find one who treats kids free - without the torture!

OP posts:
piratecat · 01/08/2010 20:49

yes it does vary. my dd goes to a private dentist who was advertising nhs treatment for childre. sadly i can't go there and have to go to the local rubbish nhs place where they enjoy torturing you!!!

atah · 01/08/2010 20:46

Sounds like you have the best of both worlds, sadly mine doesn't do NHS at all

I think I need to find a new dentist - private/NHS dentist with lvelly calming manner in Notting Hill can anyone recommend please?

OP posts:
KatyMac · 01/08/2010 20:42

Each dentist makes their own decision

Mine (private) only does NHS kids for his fee paying clients

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