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Children's health

how often do your children have an eye test?

7 replies

lemonysnicket · 23/07/2010 17:34

Hi, just a quick consensus please.... my DS has his eyes tested every 2 years (is 13 now) but my friend doesn't think this is enough - she takes her DD every year... the optometrist has never said anything about taking him more often.... what does everyone else do? Many thanks. PS No problem with eyes to date....

OP posts:
lemonysnicket · 24/07/2010 22:52

Many thanks for all your replies! My son has been going regularly since he was very young, so it's not a case of not taking him regularly, just wanted to know if people commonly did it annually or every 2 years or so. An appointment has been made! The optician did say that we have been going as often as needed but that now he should go every year, which is what has been said here... thanks for advice...

OP posts:
choccyp1g · 23/07/2010 21:46

My DS goes annually, but his friend, who needs (mild) glasses for reading goes every 6 months. Their eyed can change a lot in a short time apparently.

ElizabethWakefield · 23/07/2010 21:39

DD goes annually, like domesticsluttery, we also get a reminder letter every year.

DBennett · 23/07/2010 21:36

1st eye test should occur at 9 months or 3yrs.

After that, at least every 2yrs but often less depending on clinical findings and family history.

Short-sightedness commonly developes in early teens and that is the rational for more frequent eye checks during this time.

But the more serious eye problems develop younger so it's not a good idea to wait until then for eye tests to happen.

Especially as it's very hard to spot a lot of these yourself and a child will not often complain, thinking their vision is normal.

LostArt · 23/07/2010 17:59

My DD orthopist recommended having my (normal eyed) DS eyes checked every two years, until just before puberty, then annually. Apparently eyesight can alter as puberty kicks in.

domesticsluttery · 23/07/2010 17:46

Mine go annually.

I get a reminder letter every year to make an appointment (had one this week!)

MaamRuby · 23/07/2010 17:44

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