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Mystery books for 9yr old boy

7 replies

mum71 · 09/02/2010 17:12

I've been buying all sorts of books to get my DS interested in reading with no luck.

He then comes home with a book from the school library called The Ghost Canal. It's an old book and he hasn't put it down.

Anyway, do you have any suggestions for mystery books for a 9 yr old?

OP posts:
choosyfloosy · 16/02/2010 19:46

Emil and the Detectives

exexpat · 16/02/2010 19:43

How about any of the Diamond Brothers mysteries by Anthony Horowitz? I think there are at least six or seven of them - The Falcon's Malteser, South by South East, Public Enemy Number Two etc. Perfect for that sort of age.

mortalcoils · 14/02/2010 17:52

The Bare Bum Gang Books, by Anthony McGowan (says Anthony McGowan!)

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Lighteningbugs · 11/02/2010 16:30

Chasing Vermeer

stressedHEmum · 11/02/2010 16:19

Roman mysteries; Sealed Mysteries (the answer is in a sealed chapter at the back of the books); Diamond Brothers (V. FUNNY); 7 Fabulous Wonders.

Will have a think and see what else I can remember.

mum71 · 10/02/2010 16:15

Thank you LIZS, I had forgotten about the Hardy boys. They are very similar to his library book. I'm off to Amazon x

OP posts:
LIZS · 10/02/2010 09:26

ds(11) enjoyed dh's old Alfred Hitchcock and the Investigators books when he was off sick last summer. Maybe the Hardy Boys too, Enid Blyton's Mystery series, Jack Stalwart

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