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argh 9 year old needs to dress up for book week, want's something 'grown up'

26 replies

Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 10:18

Hi all,

I am appealing to your imaginations for ideas here, because I am truly stuck!
In the previous years he has been happy to go along with my ideas, such as Harry Potter, where's Wally and other such delights. However, now he is a big boy (apparantly), and I think he is worried about looking silly.

I had the idea of James Bond, but aside from hiring him a suit (not gonna happen!) I can't see how we will pull that one off.

Any genius ideas from Mumsnet world would be so appreciated!

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Crackopenthebaileys · 04/10/2009 08:44

Book week is next week at school, and the kids are dressing up on the Friday.... it could very from school to school though

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shopalot · 03/10/2009 20:22

Oh I thought it was the yearly book day that had come round again. Phew! I forgot last year, remembered the evening before so am a little bit paranoid...

janeite · 03/10/2009 20:18

No idea, sorry. Mine isn't for book day.

shopalot · 03/10/2009 20:16

When is book day please? [another costume...!]

Crackopenthebaileys · 03/10/2009 20:01

hehe, I shall have a peek!

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janeite · 03/10/2009 19:58

James Bond is the way to go. You want to help me on my thread in adult fiction where I'm asking advice on - wait for it - fancy dress ideas?!

Crackopenthebaileys · 03/10/2009 19:55

My son LOVES reading, I couldn't drag him away if I wanted to , so I'm not worried about interesting him tbh. I think 9 is a tough age, he's just becoming more independent and aware of others perceptions of him. I'd rather he went as something he was comfortable in than not dress up at all (which he's already mentioned!)
All the other options are either 'too babyish' or will cost a few quid for the bits and bobs to go with....

However, he is still keen on the James Bond suggestion, so I shall try to sway him in the spirit of the event

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janeite · 03/10/2009 19:49


I think it's against the spirit to go for it tbh - it should be something that began as a book as it's supposed to be about getting children interested in books, not films.

Crackopenthebaileys · 03/10/2009 19:44

Ah but men in black has been made into a book... see the link above. I'm pretty sure that will be allowed!

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janeite · 03/10/2009 19:29

Men In Black not book characters.

Has he got plain black school trousers and a white shirt? Then one of your dp's jackets (it would be funny being too big) and a bow-tie = James Bond.

Crackopenthebaileys · 03/10/2009 19:25

No that sounds really good! Am very tempted to give it a go. Alsthough he and his friend are over the moon at being the men in black, so may cut my losses and run!

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grumpypants · 03/10/2009 16:53

how much time do you have? I did james bond by using a long sleeved white tee. Painted with fabric paint to look like dj, left a white strip at front for shirt, drew on bow tie and frilly ruffles down front of shirt and he wore black trousers and stuff. on the back I drew the 007 gun logo in gold. he was v chuffed. know it sounds quite a lot to do tho'.

Crackopenthebaileys · 03/10/2009 16:49

thanks for that link Mary, I had been looking for that!

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MaryBS · 02/10/2009 14:32

Its available as a book too

Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 12:42

at Barbarian

I now have the idea of him and his best bud going as the men in black (was based on a marvel comic, does that count?!)

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barbarianoftheuniverse · 02/10/2009 11:42

Cherub is a bit teen, you are right.
Well I am out of ideas except for Legolas when the bleach ran out- at least that would match his hair.

Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 11:36

chrub was a nice idea, but seems a little grown up, if that makes sense. I don't think they are the right type of book for his age.
The artemis fowl looks good!

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Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 11:32

googling now.........

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MintyCane · 02/10/2009 11:24

Artemis fowl brown hair

barbarianoftheuniverse · 02/10/2009 11:22

He would be perfect for a character out of the Robert Muchamore Cherub books- they are very popular and just right- Cherub is a secret group of child/teen spies... google them and you will see what I mean. There are Cherub badges and passwords and all sorts of stuff. DS loved those books.

Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 11:19

robin hood too young, and he has done dennis the menace thank you for the ideas though

I like the Alex Rider idea, but Jake has short brown spiky hair, so I'm looking for an alterntive spy type character that he resmembles a little.

He has a black leather jacket that can be used, I still like the james bond idea but can't see how to do it!

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barbarianoftheuniverse · 02/10/2009 11:05

Robin Hood?
Bow and arrow and as much green as possible.
Dennis the menace.


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Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 10:44

Thanks very much, I'll mention it tonight and see what he thinks!

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MintyCane · 02/10/2009 10:40

just do a google image search for the name.

I agree with Mary all cool boys go as Alex rider you just need black stuff to wear and a fake id card, maybe a bit of hair gel.

Crackopenthebaileys · 02/10/2009 10:33

Never heard of him, but just had a look at the website and there's no pictures..... I guess that could work to our advantage!

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