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At what age do children start appreciating Roald Dahl?

28 replies

JimbosJetSet · 03/07/2015 16:52

I've just bought a box set from the charity shop. When can I start reading them to DD? She's 4 at the moment. And which one should I start with? I imagine The Witches will give her a few sleepless nights...Grin

OP posts:
PieceOfTheMoon · 09/10/2015 01:13

DS is nearly 5 and we've read:
Fantastic Mr Fox: Loved (also one of my favourites)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Loved
The Magic Finger: Loved (although he did seem slightly disturbed afterwards Smile)
George's Marvellous Medicine: Got bored half way through (me and him)
The Twits: He loved it, I wasn't sure about some of the name calling.
Currently half way through James and The Giant Peach which he is really enjoying, but he was quite upset by the start when James's parents die, so I sort of wish I'd waited until he was a bit older.
Next on the list is the BFG. Planning on saving Matilda and The Witches until he's a but older.

DontStopBelievin · 09/10/2015 00:22

I've always been a huge Roald Dahl fan, and loved all his books growing up.
When my dc were born, I was quick to introduce all the old favourites to the book shelves!
I'd say they'd start to properly enjoy Roald Dahl at around 6 years.
Start with a smaller, easy to read book such as The Enormous Crocodile.
Not too long to lose interest, and daft and 'gory' enough to fascinate them! Grin
(gory as in the crocodile being thrown to the sun and sizzled like a sausage)

MrsMarigold · 30/09/2015 21:50

My DS aged 4 loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - it took us three days. Less enamoured with the Great Glass Elevator but loved Danny the Champion of the World. The BFG needed a greater understanding of language so we gave up. We also tried Clement Freud's Grimble which was a massive success. He is currently enjoying Heidi.

We also do books a regular story book with pictures, Alfie is still popular and then he does one he can read himself every evening. He has just started and is very keen. In terms of language he is very articulate.

Bluedots · 30/09/2015 21:41

Sorry just realised, message placed here! Nothing to do with Roald Dahl

Bluedots · 30/09/2015 21:35

Hi just wondered what your 5/6 year old girls were reading? Just want to update daughters reading books. Thanks

Bluedots · 30/09/2015 21:34

Hi, just wanted to know what books your 5/6 year olds were reading

Reastie · 11/09/2015 18:06

I recently read the twits to dd as a bedtime story. It took us about a week to get through but she really liked it. It was the first longer book with chapters we'd read her. We then went on to the bfg which she also liked but not so much as the twits. I've got Charlie and the chocolate factory but it looks longer so may wait a while for that. We've also since read some dick king smith successfully to her and soon hope to start on the worst witch.

EmGee · 06/09/2015 20:18

My DDs are 3 and 5.5 and they are both into princesses and fairies. I tried them with Pelly/Giraffe and that didn't go down too well. Now the eldest likes The Enormous Crocodile (also have it on CD) but it is beyond the youngest (too long). The eldest also likes Fantastic Mr Fox (on CD). At 4 she was having none of it though!

Wearyheadedlady · 27/08/2015 02:05

My 7 year old read a few Dahl this summer. She liked Mr Fox, the two charlie books and Matilda. She left The Witches and we've avoided James and the Giant peach on the basis that she found the film "too weird"

vvviola · 13/08/2015 14:02

4 or 5 for the easier ones (Twits, Girraffe, Enormous Crocodile). 6+ for BFG, Matilda etc (although at just 8, she's not quite able to stick with them by herself).

Revolting rhymes from any age - read them to DD1 once, not thinking 3yo DD2 was paying much attention. She went around saying "whipped a pistol from her knickers" and cracking up laughing for weeks Grin

Must look into audiobook versions for our next long drive...

BooChunky · 13/08/2015 13:58

My four year old loves Matilda...

LadyPlumpington · 13/08/2015 13:56

Ours are 3 and 4, and they love the Giraffe and the Pelly and Me. Also the Magic Finger.

mrsmortis · 13/08/2015 13:55

My DD liked Revolting Rhymes to be read to her at 4. We'd read the 'real' fairy story and the Dahl version together. She thought the Dahl ones were very funny and a bit naughty (which was what kept her asking for them).

At 6 she has just read Fantastic Mr Fox and James and the Giant Peach to herself. She's started Matilda but it's threat level is too high for her.

Matilda2013 · 13/08/2015 13:04

My dsd has read (had read to her) George's marvellous medicine, enormous Mr crocodile (she loves this) and some of the giraffe Pelly and me and she seemed to enjoy them at age 4.5. Can't wait to get to Matilda, the BFG etc

Sweetsecret · 15/07/2015 13:18

my DD is five, just finishing reception. She loved Charlie and the chocolate factory, Matilda, BFG, George's Marvellous medicine, she wants to do the witches next but I think it may scare her a bit.

SoftSheen · 06/07/2015 20:26

DD is 4.4 and so far I have read her The Enormous Crocodile, The Twits and George's Marvellous Medicine. She enjoyed them.

crapfatbanana · 06/07/2015 20:23

We began with The Enormous Crocodile, then had The Twits and The Magic Finger on cassette in the car. We also had The MinPins when they were quite young - maybe a bit older than four though, I can't remember.

BikeRunSki · 03/07/2015 23:08

I love Danny. It's my favourite Dahl by miles. The film is wonderful too.

JimbosJetSet · 03/07/2015 19:41

Well we've just galloped through two thirds of George's Marvellous Medicine and she burst into tears when I said it was bedtime and that we'd read the rest tomorrow - a success! Thank you.

OP posts:
Heels99 · 03/07/2015 17:34

Forgot to say I personally find Danny the champion and also Mr fox totally boring!

Heels99 · 03/07/2015 17:34

The CDs are good I agree with pp.
Dd is 7 so can now read the easier one herself eg matilda, charlie, twits, George's marvellous medicine, bfg. She must have read the twits about 10 times, it's a shorter book and easier read than the others. There are a lot of made up words in Dahl books which can make them tricky.

BikeRunSki · 03/07/2015 17:16

I started reading them to DS when he had chicken pox shortly before his 4th birthday. He was so so about them. The Dahl appreciation really took off when we got the CDs for a long car journey to go on holiday shortly before DS was 5. In the 2 years since I have read him all the books at bedtimes, we've listened to the CDs many, many times and seen the films of those which have been made into films.


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Heels99 · 03/07/2015 17:12

6 in our house although they loved the hungry crocodile from about 3

georgedawes · 03/07/2015 17:11

My 4 yr old loved Charlie and the chocolate factory

NetballHoop · 03/07/2015 17:07

Maybe start with the giraffe and the pelly and me. We had that on a cassette (showing my age there) in the car .

The Twits is good for a few giggles at the horrible things they do. Esio trot would also be good even if Mr Hoppy is a weird stalker. We

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